Oh, yeah, nearly forgot: Today’s #commutergraphy couple: http://twitpic.com/2fzhh0
@rabidbee I have also probably missed most of the good bands of the last ten years. Would you throw a playlist at me when you’re done?
@rabidbee Well, the few I’d heard of on that list I know I like, so YES PLEASE!
Back from a bike ride. Bits of me are numb. Best not to ask which bits.
@ruskin147 Maybe they found some.
@archidave Don’t be! Chances are it would still be mouldering out the back if you hadn’t borrowed it!
Hmm. Should I give this Gowalla thing another go? I really don’t move about that much…
@vladalexa That’s an industry-standard printing debugging technique that I’ve been happy to use for years :)
@mikedunn And which planet does @Monkfish live on, exactly? #songsEVERYBODYknows
@hayles Goodness. Is there any chance you might recognise it if you heard it?
@hayles It’s been burned into my memory by being played at virtually every wedding reception I’ve ever attended :)
@mikedunn @hayles @Monkfish It’s on YouTube, too. http://www.youtube.com/w…
@rabidbee That is always the best way. The key to getting anything dome is to have something more important you should be doing instead.
@indiaknight I always think “IBS”, personally…
@KaveyF Welcome to the future. Did they issue you your jetpack? Make sure you get one.
Mission accomplished: Putting the recycling out while repeatedly stepping around two suicidal snails #ecofriendly
Oh, hurrah. Back on the internets. That’ll teach me to fool around with network configurations.
Digitally signing Outlook macros. What a way to spend your time. *sigh*
Hurrah, though! Free fruit day. And the strawberries are lovely.
@GrouponBristol Was that the Coke stuff that was in the papers last week? Haven’t tried it yet…
Bristol cyclist takes “stay off the pavement” advice too literally. http://yfrog.com/nfjgqlj
Apparently that was Matt Burrows. He was bloody good, sure he’ll be look-up-able when I get some time to check YouTube.
@talkie_tim Well, I’m crap at remembering names, and I should give him a credit!
@rabidbee I can agonise for Quite A Long Time over mix CDs.