Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 28th, 2010

@mikeotaylor There was nothing wrong with the service, technically, but if ever anything went administratively awry, they were nightmarish.

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How come iPhoto shows me the pictures on my iPhone every single time I use it _except_ when I want to download a photo from my iPhone?

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@ahnlak Ta. They’re on my list for if I need to chuck this Belkin (it’s started interpreting browsing Flickr as attack & blocking farms!)

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@philmonger @Jorence Although today, I wouldn’t absolutely rule out caffeine withdrawal!

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@philmonger @Jorence mine’s mostly narrowed down to post-accident whiplash, and scoliosis. Gradually getting less frequent with physio.

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Did @echofon always start itself up on unlock after a push notification, thus killing @Runkeeper and interrupting my running?

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We’re going to clean up these mean streets.

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Great sky today, Bristol. Well done!

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Okay. Off for a jog. To the pulsing, energetic beat of… erm… _The Now Show_.

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@lahlootea Oooh. Erm. I’ll have to get out for a jog first, then see how much time I’ve got left…

via Echofon in reply to katebliving

@jbrownridge It was an annoyingly bad Netgear I replaced the time before last. Sigh. Think I need to get an ADSL modem and separate router.

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@thomasvenables Oh, dear. That sounds like the voice of bitter experience.

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@Jorence Yeah. Watershed is short ferry journey for me, Tobacco Factory is car ride. Or bike, soon, once I dust it off for the spring!

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@xabl Yes. Yes, it is. Which is why I uninstalled it, the non-standard, depressing, badly-fonted, US-spellchecking piece of heavyware.

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@Jorence Biggest problem is that all the cafes that are quiet enough for writing round the clock go out of business in the end!

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@Jorence Does depend on the time of day. But yeah, odd, I find Watershed better for programming. Actual writing needs more quiet.

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@mikeotaylor And I’m on ADSL because Telewest were _truly_ shit!

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@mikeotaylor It’s the higher-level networking stuff in the routers that seems to be the bane of my life. The ADSL side is fine…

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Does anyone actually make an ADSL router that works? Or are they all completely rubbish in one way or another?

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@Dan_Christensen Well, be careful out there. And watch out for the little one: he bites.

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RT @bertpalmer: If you’re in the uk, put all your camera clocks forward now whilst you remember! (via @plinkk) <— Good shout!

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@paulahillier Yeah. I’ve got a headache, I’m tired, I’ve only just had my coffee, and half my clocks are still wrong. This morning is _hard_

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@Jorence You have a false-hangover too? Horrible, isn’t it, when you’ve done nothing to deserve it.

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@paulahillier Well, I didn’t see anyone who looked like a donut :) Talked to a few people, but I got there late and mostly watched bands…

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@bananza Glad your big baby isn’t obviously broken, hon.

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Bearing in mind viruses can’t multiply by themselves, wouldn’t it be better to aim for a bacterial marketing campaign?

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Hey, where did @thomasvenables go? *blink*

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@treblechamp Gig photography is one of those few areas where the camera really can make a big difference.

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@Whatleydude It is quite shameful that Twitter is so rubbish at searching itself.

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@treblechamp Partly that’s because the history of dark gig photography is one of grainy high ISO shots, so that’s the “look” they had to be!

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@Whatleydude I’m guessing it’s not the use Friendfeed intend, though…

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@Jorence Nice! Yeah, can see why you would; the light is really important in that one.

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@treblechamp Not much. I’ve only done one proper paid shoot for a band.

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On balance, think this is my favourite shot from Thursday night. Feeling a desire to brush out the exit sign, though.

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Alternatively, a one-night stand every eight days would work. Just so long as they don’t go to waste and I don’t have to eat them.

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I need to enter a deep and meaningful relationship with someone who actually likes Rice Krispies Multi-Grain Shapes.

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@thomasvenables Never mind! Had to dash off anyway. Give me shout next time you see anything interesting on!

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Chris Addison was very funny. Go see him if you have the chance.

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@Jorence on way out of Tobacco Factory theatre, just spotted sign for indoor bike rack. Don’t know how secure but maybe worth knowing about!

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Today I will be taking the morning off. A very long bath and .net magazine shall be combined for educational relaxation.

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@caffeinebomb ahh. I had similar arrangement between Warwick and Bristol for a bit. But they at least did phone renewals.

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Off to see Chris Addison in a bit. Which may explain why I’ve had _Walking Down Madison_ in my head all day. A bit.

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@mattgemmell if it helps you search, nearest equivalent I found for Firefox was Site Launcher. Not exactly the same, but close enough for me

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@DrHairbear it depends. Are you hot or cross yet?

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@caffeinebomb Can you not renew on the web? Even my local council have caught up with technology to that extent…

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@Gina_luh okay, that wins prize for oddest tweet I saw while searching for “Moles”.

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GMT or BST, I think I’m rather overdue for lunch.

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@xabl Dunno; my preferred client doesn’t auto-complete. What platform?

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