Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 30th, 2010

@Phooto Ahhh! You’re on Unique Sentence, then? It detects multiple quick submissions and pendd them for approval, in case they’re spam.

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

Temperature: 5C. Adjusting for wind chill: -47C. According to my solidified fingers, anyway.

via Echofon

@TheLightroomLab Not with 10.6.3, but I’ve had that before. Try resetting your SMC.

via Echofon

Follow the yellow brick road…

via Echofon

Really should go to Mr. Wolf’s tonight to see The Evil Beat, but am probably too tired. Or will probably be dead tomorrow if I do.

via Echofon

Hmmm. Interesting footwear choice for the weather. Still, I suppose sequined flip-flops probably dry off quite quickly.

via Echofon

@Phooto Hmmm. Did it give a reason? The heckling worked last time I looked, but it’s been a while. Am going to replace that with Disqus.

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@Swishrelic My first ever dynamic website. That’s mostly how I learned HTML and PHP, that is.

via Echofon in reply to Swishrelic

@KaveyF Ta for pimp, though. Although feel slightly guilty I’ve not worked on it for years!

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

Need to do a bit of JavaScript enhancement on Unique Sentence. Nag that fades up if it detects a full stop in the middle of submissions…

via Echofon

Need to do a bit of JavaScript enhancement on Unique Sentence. Nag that fades up if it detects a full stop in the middle of sumbissions…

via Echofon

@KaveyF Nope, been in meetings for a lot of the day!

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF @Phooto All approved. Although I would submit that some of those are neither unique, nor sentences!

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@Phooto …but it shows them to the user while they’re logged in so that spammers don’t notice it’s doing that and so waste their time :D

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@TheLightroomLab maybe when indoors with warmer hands!

via Echofon

@Phooto Huh? Which website is that?

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@leigh The universe is fractal, sweetie. There’s as much complexity as you look for.

via Echofon in reply to leigh

@ignitebristol Careful. The West Midlands Serious Crime Squad might mis-hear you and _lock_ them up.

via Echofon in reply to ignitebristol

@goswoppit Screw the ratings! Thank you for reminding me I need to video both!

via Echofon in reply to goswoppit

Heh. Still playing with Tiffen Photo FX.

via Echofon

@tsunimee I suggested it because (a) it does have elements of fantasy, but (b) I disliked everything else you mentioned, but liked PL.

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

Mountain Dew confirmed at Kin Yin Hon, @talkie_tim ;). Also had traysful of bottles just inside warehouse door!

via Echofon

I have entered the diet coke draw. Maybe I’ll win a dress!

via Echofon

@Swishrelic Depends what’s stickifying it! Maplin have some fairly crazy sprays that might be worth a look.

via Echofon in reply to Swishrelic

@matthew_roach Shut up, or I’ll hit you with this handbag.

via Echofon in reply to matthew_roach

@caffeinebomb @V_Bee I _think_ it was. Will try Sainsbury later, then - ta!

via Echofon in reply to jennifermjones

@Phooto Seems fair enough: “Wasting time, that’s fine, but don’t actually sell all the computers.” :)

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@caffeinebomb Sadly, three weeks after I bought the jug, my local Waitrose stopped selling the milk in bags. Grr.

via Echofon in reply to jennifermjones

Today, my diet coke comes in a pink leopardprint can and gives me the chance to win a dress. Hmm.

via Echofon

@zinziii I just can’t bring myself to charge silly amounts and have some people turn me down, but apparently it works quite well long term!

via Echofon in reply to ZinziGraham

@andybeebristol @SwishrelicBlack hole? Oh well, I always wanted to be thinner.

via Echofon in reply to andybeebristol

New lock gates ready to go in today. Sadly, I’ll be at work. Could be interesting to watch.

via Echofon

Wish people wouldn’t describe today’s CERN happenings as “crossing the streams”.

via Echofon

@archidave @xabl and maybe the usual suspects have been too busy selecting, printing and framing ;)

via Echofon in reply to archidave

@djelibeybi_meg They’re all filled pages. Really. Nothing of mine to speak of on line, really; maybe a few early things on BBC sites.

via Echofon in reply to djelibeybi_meg

@djelibeybi_meg @Phooto Nope, even more obscure than those. But pretty much every five minutes for the last hour, something’s needed update!

via Echofon in reply to djelibeybi_meg

There is an update available to the product you were wasting time with while waiting for another product to update. Kill yourself now?

via Echofon

@DrHairbear Goodness. I searched for “Nigella’s buns” and you’d never believe the results that just popped up!

via Echofon in reply to DrHairbear

@caffeinebomb @V_Bee Waitrose said it was because there wasn’t enough demand. Except it often wasn’t on shelf when I wanted some!

via Echofon in reply to jennifermjones

@Phooto I suppose it’s vaguely possible. But reCaptcha is so popular and legit it’s hard to believe anyone would block it…

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

@archidave Hot-cross-bun-bagels? Scared now.

via Echofon in reply to archidave

Newfound fans(!): UniqueSentence will be going down for a short while, as I upgrade to a different hosting package to enable ssh access.

via Echofon

@ahnlak …although I’d have thought there would be a barcode-scanning app for a phone that could send to LibraryThing by now.

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@ahnlak LibraryThing is where I’d keep my books, personally, but I don’t think they do web-based scanning!

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@Phooto Odd. There’s absolutely nothing tricksy about the heckling code. Should work pretty much anywhere…

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

You know, I really should buy some hot cross buns at some point.

via Echofon

@ahnlak Because they’d spend all their time fixing problems with 2,495 different cameras and drivers, rather than making awesome software :/

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

@Phooto Erm. When you say it didn’t work, can you describe what happens, exactly? It just worked fine for me:

via Echofon in reply to Phooto

Holy cow, though, even with rubbish camera Delicious Library scanning is still much better. Nice one, @deliciousmonstr!

via Echofon

D’oh. New Delicious Library hugely improves barcode scanning — to compensate for the new rubbish camera in the iMac I just bought.

via Echofon

PaulBurstow I have told the Govt we won’t support the Digital Economy Bill as drafted. There is not enough time for MPs to examine it in detail.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Mar 30th, 2010 via Echofon)