Borderline Asperger’s lets me communicate with both managers and coders. To one, I am “Systems Analyst”. To the other: “Speaker-to-Idiots”.
Dining at Thali Cafe this evening :)
@benparkatbjs Oh, I’m sure it won’t be boring. Not with the obvious inherent risk of crash and explosion.
@andybeebristol Are you wearing a beret?
@chrisphin Gibson’s corrolary: the one that’s not Mac-compatible will be the one with the feature you really need.
@andybeebristol If it’s gyp with a particular doc, select all text before Review -> Set Language.
@andybeebristol Document properties? Document’s language will override the default. Or to put it another way: are you using French letters?
@zinziii How the hell do you have such good skin? That lot would bring me out in zits right now, let alone when I was your age!
@BrokenLogo that’s what I was scared of. Was in bed by 11! Shame… was on songwriting course with Natalie, so wanted to hear her!
@BrokenLogo Yeah, wish I’d been awake enough, but definitely wasn’t. No, haven’t seen poster, unfortunately.
@KaveyF Henry has now left the building.
@benparkatbjs And read the comments on any online Evening Post story without getting despondent and angry :)
@ahnlak What I wish I had was a normal one to put it next to!
Desktop mini-Henry FTW!
@jemimakiss Hmm. What email provider are you using, and what network (3G or WiFi) are you using?
@mjh53 @ahnlak It was Amazon who kicked them off the iPhone, sadly.
No, Java installer, I do not want the Yahoo toolbar. Nor will I wish to buy a comedy top hat along with my next petrol purchase. #justsayin’
@jemimakiss are you getting any error message? Change your password recently? Are you on someone else’s WiFi network?
@Lillput Agreed. That’s one thing I’ve learned about Mountain Dewdo far: I shouldn’t drink it in the afternoon. Needed a Nytol at 1am.
@gary8345 Sorry; my fault: I took my glove out of my coat pocket yesterday morning. “I won’t need _those_ any more…” #Brrrrrristol
@tsunimee Thing about bots is, they don’t care how big your blog is. They’re just bots. They see a WordPress install, and they spam it.
Maaaahhrnin’ Awwwl.
@tsunimee I often double-check. Didn’t tonight. Hey, maybe I’m wrong. Off back to bed to try again!
Balls. Something tells me that post-dinner coffee wasn’t the decaf I asked for.
@hayles Mmmmm. I am about to go from my New Chair of Pleasure to my memory-foam-topped bed. Mmm. Softness.
@SharonECampbell Whereas a pub that has Langres on its chessboard is an unhygienic pub.
Nice little bit of “you must buy this” copy.
@thomasreggi May I suggest the rather cool Sleep Cycle app as an alternative? No affiliation; I just like it :)
@tsunimee yes. And the larger botnets can be made up of around half a million computers, normally infected home PCs. Each. Scary.
@tsunimee It’s everything. They crawl the web, looking for anything they can spam, mostly based on the most popular blogging/forum software.
@neilhimself Oooh, that’s lush. And something new to add to my “Songs With the Word ‘Fuck’ In Them” playlist, too.
@tsunimee And that’s just the first few of the nine so far today. And I have fewer than 50 actual subscribers.
@tsunimee Oh yes.
@tsunimee Current comment:spam ratio on my tiny-volume blog is 32:264. If I didn’t use Akismet spam protection, I’d have to have a CAPTCHA
Ouch. Tens of thousands of London broadband & phone users suffer from results of fire and flood:
@tweeny4 ooh, is it?
@the_beacon They are just irritating noise, aren’t they?
@matthew_roach Clifton Village. Had lunch there, never done dinner (in any of them.)
@Jorence I have never tiffined. I probably should.
Playing while I wait for the ferry.