@wilshipley Can we add “And don’t tell me not to put in the spaces when I type the card number. Hire a fucking programmer”?
Today I’m playing “how many different ways can I mistype my password?”
@ArryMatt Hush.
Wow. Never seen the MacBook kernel panic before.
Ha! Fab! RT @shezza_t: * is chuckling at http://eatingoffthepeopl… *
Today I am mostly surviving on caffeine and sugar. Yes, I am aware this is not very sensible.
For the third time in three weeks, I’m home to find my Mac running its fan at full speed for no apparent reason. Grr.
@juliaindelicate They’ve got 400 million users; statistically there’s probably an entire fucking countryful of proper weirdos on Facebook…
@juliaindelicate Because you’re special.
Okay, I need to go to bed. And I think, tonight, I might actually follow through on that need for a change.
@mattgemmell Remind me not to pay $10 for your iKnowWhereYouLive app.
@KaveyF Odd. In my dream I micked a lovely hotel room from a crazy woman.
@rbrwr Funnily enough, heard a (highly technically competent) friend of mine recommend Clook just the other day…
Wandering away, slightly deafened, from #bristwestival. Great night. I don’t have to be up in the morning, do I?
@mikeotaylor Good to see you tonight, by the way. May have got a couple of good photos here and there; will process over the weekend…
Morning all! Everyone feeling fine, dandy and awake after last night’s #bristwestival? Because personally, I could go back to bed right now.
@bristwestival Really enjoyed last night. Ta! Especially bumping into erstwhile colleague who turns out also to be Reacharound’s guitarist!
Goodness, I must be tired. Don’t normally get apostrophes in the wrong place.
@hayles morning sweetie! I’m tired, with a voice like Barry White. Shame I can’t lounge in bed all day like a true Walrus of Love.
@jukesie oh. I was there. Did get there very late, though.
@hayles Very true. And also, for me, payday! Huzzah!
Need extra coffee. Baristas here I come.