@bertpalmer That might work, actually; looks like I’ll be fully fuelled in about twenty minutes. Thanks!
Urp. Just realised that my postcards have the URL for my rubbish portfolio site that I still need to set up printed on the back…
Running late, as ever. I will be heading to the Flickr meet, but I only just put the paella on…
@andybeebristol That’s a !^£%ing good idea.
I would tweet how I feel about Oracle right now, but 140 characters isn’t enough for all the swear words.
Just booked to see Micmacs at @wshed on Saturday.
@xabl Is it some form of music shop?
I read “No dashes, spaces or formatting” on a website input field as “we have a computer, but we don’t know how to use it”.
Anyway. Am slacking when I should be writing Morning Pages. Gah! Get on with it, Matt…
@hayles Will have to investigate at weekend. Because I still don’t quite want to throw this Apple mouse through a window, which is a record.
@hayles Although I’ve already had to download third party software to get the tracking speed fast enough. *sigh*
@hayles Sorry, that’s what I meant. I threw the Mighty Mouse away fairly quickly, but I’m trying to give this new one a fair try.
…Magic Mouse, I meant to say. Or whatever the new one with the sharp edges is called.
Also: what the hell am I doing that keeps making the task list pop up in OS X? Is it something to do with this stupid Mighty Mouse?
My Inbox is getting way too big again. Bugger.