Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 5th, 2010

It’s bloody cold this morning.

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@OpinionatedGeek I further suspect that the reason they offered me so many C programming jobs was that my CV featured the letter “C”.

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@OpinionatedGeek I worked for Zurich Financial in Swindon. I think it was Computer Futures who kept offering me Swiss jobs because of that.

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@johnfbraun …and squirmily avoided the question both times. Personally, I don’t care about the actual answer, just want him to be honest.

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@johnfbraun Yup. Only reason I got annoyed was local politician asked twice on national radio if my local council were using tags yet…

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@johnfbraun I think the issue is probably the process, but it doesn’t help that tabloids shout SPY CHIPS IN YOUR BINS at drop of a hat…

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@talkie_tim Not mine, though. May have to get a couple, though…

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@ahnlak Don’t think it’ll float in our street - we barely have room for the one communal bin between the five flats at my place…

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@ahnlak Indeed. But it does annoy me when someone’s asked a perfectly straightforward question twice in a row and wriggles out of answering.

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Bristol LibDem councillor sounding weaselly on Radio 4, carefully not answering question about whether bins have already been RFID tagged.

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@AndyCarolan @Phooto Yeah, I keep on hearing about these Early Day motions they’re passing. Bastards.

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@Jorence Mmm. Bacon. As we passed Brunel’s Buttery on the boat yesterday morning, I had to suppress an urge to dive in and swim to shore…

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@AndyCarolan @Phooto I think it’s some kind of conspiracy.

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