@tsunimee @charleymarley @al86shaw Any reports on whether he enjoyed it more than watching X Factor?
@chrismarquardt It uses the rotation EXIF if set, from what I’ve seen. Rotated on the back of the camera during playback?
@juliavdw Thanks!
Lasagne, salad, Dr. Who. #holytrinity
The cutest band EVAH just did Song 2. Aww. #openmic #adamandeve #bristol
That was a great cover of “Come Together”, especially considering the performers’ total height is roughly equivalent to 1.5 Beatles’.
Got to say, I’m really liking the Adam & Eve. Good crowd. I should get to my local more often. #hotwells #bristol
@Bristol52 I have a single, mild blister. Which I will not show you. And I started with the #C25K. Do it!
Ah. Adjacent customer turns out to be compere. It’s under-18’s open mic night at Adam & Eve. Thought those mics were set low!
@derekarridge Ta. Am now following your shining example!
Problem solved by @adamandevebristol :) instagr.am/p/QNNlxWpC1u/
@KaveyF You are quite a *long* way downhill. And I need to be up for work tomorrow.
Hrm. I would quite like a beer, but all my local shops are either uphill or downhill. Bah. #sorecalves
@Thehappyfatgirl Careful now, I was already blushing after just the thirteen miles and a hot bath :D
@KaveyF Thank you, sweetie. How’s the birthday going? That burger looked awesome.
@Thehappyfatgirl Thank you. I feel pretty good, it’s true :D
Official time: 02:47:33. Making that, *just*, my fastest ever half marathon. Clearly losing weight is helping some… #bristolhalf
The #bristolhalf went pretty well. I could have done without Inane Shouty Bloke With Airhorn dogging my heels for last 10 miles, mind.
@r0bb1eh I seem to be a lot better at coping with the “day after” these days. My leisurely pace probably helps :D
@Mouse_House I’d probably err on the side of “yes” anyway; it’s the right time of year to buy something like that. See you through winter.
@Mouse_House Ah. Well, in that case, my “yes” gets qualified again. To “yes, as long as *I* don’t have to pay for them :D”.
@Mouse_House Then I’d say that’s an unqualified “yes”.
@r0bb1eh I was foolish enough not to. But I reckon the walk to work and back will probably do me good.
@Mouse_House Sexeh. Yes, as long as they’ll fit your calves okay.
@VeraR2010 @chris_j_hughes I couldn’t decide. I love hot baths. So I started hot and finished off cold. Who knows whether that’ll work…
@BenPark Pretty!
@r0bb1eh And well done, speedy! About an hour faster than me :D
@xabl @StJamesPT @KeithGough1 @r0bb1eh Thanks!
Now: Serious Bath Time.
@bestform @Indiechops @andybeebristol @curtismark @julienbob @daycoder @benjohnbarnes @Thehappyfatgirl Thanks all :D
@NoWireHangers That and it’s students-come-back day as well…
Traditional post-run ‘Tillos. #bristolhalf instagr.am/p/QMzU7WpC-p/
Just posted a photo instagr.am/p/QMu84apC8h/
@jukesie *waves*
Done it! instagr.am/p/QMt8dDpC8F/
@ajjmcd Ta!
@VeraR2010 @benjohnbarnes Also: nice! Just saw about your run yesterday! :)
@VeraR2010 Thanks!
I’m British, so I find it help to think of it less as a half-marathon, more as a 13-mile queue. #bristolhalf instagr.am/p/QMYTYmJCzF/
Nervous first-timer/
Standing in a queue of one/
The runner prepares #haiku #bristolhalf
Good luck, all you lovely #bristolhalf runners. And thanks for support, cheering people. It really helps, especially in the home stretch!
@VeraR2010 Yup. ;)
Race leaders. #bristolhalf instagr.am/p/QMVuhoJCyO/

Wandering down to #bristolhalf. Hotwells Pine have a Running Strictly Forbidden sign in window, the wags. pic.twitter.com/ronmE3ke
Happy birthday, @KaveyF!
@guriben Yrah.