Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 5th, 2012

@talithahg I like the way you posed with it next to an In Case Of Fire sign :)

via Echofon in reply to talithahg

@guriben @jakepjohnson @hayles I may try to use that line. But it’s dangerous when audience have pointy things and drills.

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@hayles I want ribs. Bit scared that I have the dentist at 2pm, though. “WHAT… *HAPPENED* IN YOUR MOUTH, MR GIBSON?” “RIIIIIBS.”

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@KaveyF I’m hoping you mean Friday, but yes!

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@ahnlak Yup. But I’m used to working with slightly crazy legacy code all day long, so maybe that’s good experience for WordPress :D

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@ahnlak I’m using a nice, Facebook-provided Java library. But it’s still a royal pain to post stuff on someone’s timeline…

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@ahnlak At least you have the option of reading the source with WordPress :)

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@ahnlak And maybe it’s just me, but I find the WordPress documentation a lot more sensible.

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@ahnlak Sadly, it kinda is just the same. Which is why I just had to implement a web service for Get Running, *purely for Facebook posts*.

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@ahnlak Not when you’re trying to use the damn thing from a mobile app, it hasn’t.

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Also: I ran out of decaf, so I’m on full-strength morning coffee for the first time in a while. I may be a bit bouncy. Sorry.

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Today I will be battling with the Facebook Open Graph API. (That’s similar to battling a dragon, but with less documentation available.)

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