Other Craggy Island, er, I mean @BristolHarbFest, amusements include Wave At The Madman In A Box. #tunnelofgoats pic.twitter.com/9K75ff7og3

@domwakeling Current status: pic.twitter.com/38qCRjZDGS
guardian Frank Cottrell Boyce: what’s the point of culture in Brexit Britain? trib.al/DoBjntA

Film4 At 7.20pm, one of the funniest, most quotable films ever. We are serious, and don’t call us Shirley: it’s Airplane! pic.twitter.com/yc3MY3Butx
I am tipsy and my neighbours are away for the weekend. I am therefore singing along to loud prog rock while cooking chips.

As you do. pic.twitter.com/Rw6cZn7J6O

Oh, y’know, just hanging around at #brisharbfest #igersbristol instagram.com/p/BH7bQjVjphZ/
@Bristolvor Likewise!
@BenPark …that I needed to get a paper copy *before* I was at home at 10am on Saturday!
@BenPark I wouldn’t mind so much if I remembered *
@amandavin Big wheel near Thekla. £5. Was fun.

*Waves regally at #bristol* pic.twitter.com/aTk03TmDkk
@samsneed12 Ta, finally found one of my own!
@amandavin Yes; I read that and tried two places with no luck before finally finding one at SSGB, ta.

In full effect. pic.twitter.com/ln5HQ1fWcx
Ah, the annual saga of trying to find out when things are on at the harbour festival. I seem very unlucky on the programme-finding front.
t_pk vapes, energy drinks and legal highs all seem to use the same graphic design agency
(Although bear in mind the book fair is in Passenger Shed, and therefore has the climate of an equatorial rainforest. Dress appropriately.)

If the Harbour Festival is too busy for you, the book fair is still on :) #bristol pbfa.org/book-fairs/bri… pic.twitter.com/6VfLJJiotN

@antimitch I can usually work it out from the photos. pic.twitter.com/o0gihp7N92
@EffBeeee Last time I was flush I went to John Lewis and bought high thread count percale sheet. Awesomely luxurious! But quite pricey.