MetroUK Theresa May’s hubby steals show by pouring his generous curves into a sexy suit #TheresaMayPM

May confirms new UK national anthem.
@tyronem Modern VB is basically C# with different whitespace. Older VB can be a more… acquired taste.
@tyronem I quite like VB. Though that may be a Stockholm syndrome symptom.
@danbarker Convinced, even.
@danbarker I’m not actually combined Boris *voted* leave.
@RellyAB I tried, but my bookie just said, “fuck off, mate, not even Armando Iannucci’d give you odds on that one…”
Boris Johnson? Foreign Secretary? What, was Jim Davidson not available?
@RealDramRob Ooooh. Erm. I’m not quite sure. Surprising light & grapefruity edge seems to clash with the smoke for me.

SimonNRicketts Here we go.
@GlennAlanBerry My virtual SQL Server box is running on my laptop and now I’ve fallen through a recursive hole of advice ;)

Life is
@RealDramRob Have to let you know later; saving it for last.

Early dinner.

.@RealDramRob Your fault.
THE PRIMITIVES - Spin-O-Rama [Official]… via @YouTube

The experiments begin.

A book that was very useful when I first read it, and continues to come in handy today.
@laurenlaverne Yeah. You could put her in a dictionary under “poise”.
@EmergencyGlass (a) that was a joke about aggressive seagulls, and (b) I don’t live on your continent, but thanks anyway.