@chubbybannister He says, “Oh my stars!” whenever you come out at night?
@chubbybannister Who did you mean to flash?

You know those two guys who are always pissed outside Seamus O’Donnells? Today it’s me and Paul’s turn. pic.twitter.com/hLUMWlBv64
Just used new touchscreen Santander cashpoint. If you’re looking for example of bad UX for a talk, it’s a goldmine.

Heading into town, guided by a mer-sheep. pic.twitter.com/8LtwBOKv3w
Thank goodness there is at least a breeze. *wilts*
Going out in the noonday sun.

lukejerram Moon printing error, has meant I’ve spare lunar fabric. Email me if u r Bristol based&want some 2makeSomething pic.twitter.com/zPbasP6MBa

Finding it very hard to concentrate on work today. Let’s have a desk photo instead, hey? pic.twitter.com/EKuko3VBE0
@ahnlak Dunno; I’ve only ever tried them for hot drinks, where they work too damn well and mean my tea is too hot to drink for 20 minutes!
“Captain, Sick Bay is receiving widespread reports of lethargy and unconsciousness!” “Quickly! Divert auxiliary power to the desk fans!”
@ahnlak (Also, the good ones are £20, they’re fragile, and being British I only need one for a week every year :D )
*Procrastinate. twitter.com/ahnlak/status/…
@DanRebellato Pointless foil.
*Starts work* *Immediately gets distracted by idea of inventing an iced coffee glass that doesn’t drip condensation in your lap*