@technicalfault It’s going to come full circle back to LiveJournal.
@liveindetail Dont ask me; I’m ill. I’ve been actively enjoying _Lovejoy_ repeats.
@liveindetail I suggest you resign as a Top Gear watcher immediately.
Completely deluded. twitter.com/adamgasson/sta…
@mcelhearn Hell yeah. I have the ix500 and it’s dreamy. Many thousands of pages scanned, next to zero hassle.

Brewdog’s Dead Pony Club: so popular in Sainsbury’s that I can’t reach it! pic.twitter.com/YC8sQb0gEb
Illness day two, the pros: Lemsip tasting nicer; Star Trek: Voyager better than I remembered. #netflixandill
@corylus Weird!
@restingchef Ugh. Get well soon!
@corylus Are they soldiers? French Gendarmerie are military, and often look like soldiers, but have a more police-like role.