@lukeredpath They’re a little bit Brexcitable, that’s all.
richard_littler I read that highly-educated immigrants in the UK will be poached by the US & EU. Bloody foreigners coming over here stealing our foreigners.
@word_geek *Dejected high five*
@claytoncubitt Ironically, the British call it “French leave”, and the French call it “filer à l’anglaise”. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_le…
This somewhat confirms that I live in a geographical bubble within a geographical bubble; three quarters in my ward voted Remain. #hotwells
Well done Hotwells :D

IainWalker44 Bristol EU referendum result broken down by council ward here pic.twitter.com/IzhpexXMhX

SnoozeInBrief Ada just came in miaowing like crazy. She is very proud that her hunting skills have caught an apple. pic.twitter.com/5J3ncXM6gb
@CharlieEsq_ You should buy an expensive cat hotel so it can properly ignore it and sleep on your favourite cardi.
@saltwateritch Erm. Wasn’t it Jimmy Savile who told us that?
Starting to remember John Major quite fondly.

Executive summary of the Conservative leadership contest so far. gph.is/298ujiG pic.twitter.com/m1VKjVMQ9e
@Uncivil_S @jimwaterson @euanmccolm My exact reaction! I wonder if this puts us in a very small club together.
@jimwaterson Urm. On the one hand, I don’t know where Kettering is. On the other, I don’t know who Lindsay Lohan is.
Think I’d prefer more bread, less circuses.
@feelinglistless @C_J_Fox At least someone’s helping. What’s that, about two solid months before we have to watch the news again?
feelinglistless In case you hadn’t noticed, Netflix UK just uploaded the whole of Star Trek. Enterprise, TOS, Animated, TNG, DS9 AND Voyager. Blimey.
@charlesarthur Indeed. This is not an either-or choice, damn it.

@davidcaolo Well, he has practice. pic.twitter.com/ysyr5ERGk6
@FelicityMorse Christ, I wouldn’t pay *that* much for it.

Helpful signage, Wilco. pic.twitter.com/VgnXBOUUK7
I know nothing about birds, but this is a nice accompaniment to my work this morning. moby.to/gn4gui
@Hit_Delete I have tea.
@OpinionatedGeek Holy moley. The whole YM/YPM set is only £15 on Amazon. *Clicks “buy”*
The UK was very dejected
At a choice to which it was subjected
There’s no room to sway
Between Boris and May
Either way, it’ll be unelected.

@talkie_tim I am only aware of one Hawkeye. pic.twitter.com/YRiE7w4Vtc