@RedQueenCoder Cool, thanks!
@RedQueenCoder I’m going to write that down for the next time. My best excuse is currently Chicken Caesar.

Seedlings doing well. Should probably thin them, really. pic.twitter.com/I4grovvP4K
@simonblackwell If you were in charge of the Remain campaign, how would you rate your chances of reining Geldof in?
That reminds me: must clear out the fridge this week. twitter.com/BBCScienceNews…
@archidave …. – .— / -.. .. -.. / -.— – ..- / —. ..- . … … ..—..

robtownsend News headlines now co-written by 1990s Chris Morris and a random sentence generator pic.twitter.com/B8ODKvCcoD
In a fusion of 1970s nostalgia and my modern life, I just ate Mark’s Bread wholemeal sourdough with lemon curd.
@archidave Did you get my Telex asking you if you’d received the carrier pigeon?
_Poots_ JUST BUY A TWISTER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD twitter.com/bbcgoodfood/st…
@ahnlak It’s probably a bit damp for wine storage. But I do have a better, smaller cave with shelves for that. (Really!)
@ahnlak Seems to be working so far. It’s handy, having a cave.
@ahnlak (Which is my new alternative to paying £60/m for a storage unit.)
@ahnlak Haven’t checked recently. But everything in it either doesn’t care or is packed in waterproof crates…
@ahnlak I do actually have a bigger storage space that that, which you’ve probably never seen, but it’s a little damp.

Mission to clear the storage unit: finally accomplished. pic.twitter.com/aE5WcZT3et

everycolorbot 0x920f6d pic.twitter.com/UW6R7W63HO
@fergieweather Are you sure Nigel Farage isn’t hosing your office down?
@fergieweather Very localised! Not a drop falling here in Hotwells.
Meanwhile, the smart people of a country avoid political positions and carry on working towards a Mars mission. twitter.com/SpaceX/status/…
@shezza_t You’ll be needing to sit down. And try not to let It’s A Knockout cross your mind.
@CharlieEsq_ @guriben Probably not; there are tons of ‘em. Ours is @getrunningapp.
@shezza_t You think this is a sign? Because by the looks of the news, a torpedo boat might be more appropriate.
@Kavey @ahnlak I know what you mean. Though I still think I Don’t Like Mondays is (a) a good song and (b) sadly still fucking relevant.
@Kavey @ahnlak I can’t quite believe the entire rest of the country isn’t watching telly while microwaving more popcorn…
@RellyAB Great. Now I have an image of someone staggering around in a massive latex effigy of Boris Johnson. Thanks.
The whole of the UK is naval-gazing.
@quellist1 Is that a promise? *Hires a boat*
@jephjacques As someone who worked in a Dilbertian office, I admired the output for years. The asshat increasingly seeps through, though.
@RellyAB Aww. I had a Dana for a while.
@mintsauce Enjoying Backblaze over here. And their excellent blog posts on hard drives are a great tech community service.
@AndrewCollins Noel Edmunds.
The world’s oldest computer is still revealing its secrets wpo.st/yucf1
All it needs is for David Icke to turn up with Gazza in a fishing boat. #flotilla
Twee men in a boat. twitter.com/BBCNews/status…
Oh Christ, is it really *next* Thursday? *Checks calendar* I thought it would be over this week. twitter.com/flashboy/statu…
nalsa Brexit, pursued by Bob Geldof.
@HeartWCountry @travelwestEng Yup, no problem.

Not sure why there’s a bike plastered in Dutch national postcode lottery advertising on North Street. pic.twitter.com/z4yOUMmVWi

Serious. pic.twitter.com/ih56RGoWKo

The pedestrian route across Junction Lock is also closed, so head for Merchants Road bridge if on foot #Bristol pic.twitter.com/D9w46g5cnE

They’re not kidding, folks. And the traffic fumes are worse than usual. Avoid. #bristol twitter.com/travelwestEng/… pic.twitter.com/ew2LvTsBvJ

I am a member of an advanced civilisation in 2016, yet I see this and think UG FIND CLUB KILL GOOD. Explains a lot. pic.twitter.com/B6OZLjnvz3

RyanJL Mr John Lewis isn’t just good value on Twitter when the Christmas advert premieres. pic.twitter.com/D11cYgSkC0
@dangusset Strikes me that an artist *is* software that makes original pieces of their works, and people have been buying them for ages!