*Maniacal laughter* ## pic.twitter.com/0d7OV2rZ41

Jail breaking. pic.twitter.com/bn3IDoGXku
📷 The Better Food Company, Whiteladies Road. There’s often a good A board here. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx27J2Emc
claytoncubitt The most metal thing I read all day: twitter.com/xeni/status/73…

TIL: 1) I still have a MySpace account; 2) MySpace still actually exists. pic.twitter.com/iOl8PPgARL
NBCLA #BREAKING: Police respond to engineering lab on UCLA campus after report of shooting. 4.nbcla.com/KsifKV5
@jephjacques Then you spend six minutes clicking around Wikipedia and remember humans are much fucking stranger than you’d expect.
@mcelhearn Cute! Looks like they had vastly higher take-up, too, if my schoolboy French isn’t letting me down :)
@mcelhearn Aw! Your Bi-Bop talk reminded me of the British “Rabbit” system—I think some of its signs still remain!en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_%2…3

BBCNews UK’s oldest hand-written document discovered in London ✍🏾
bbc.in/1WYpBIK pic.twitter.com/K53lzpy3UO

everycolorbot 0x49b600 pic.twitter.com/D7Nqn0j10o
@kate_day That doesn’t give us much time to build a wall.
@word_geek I believe the situation is significantly more confused and legally uncertain than that.
@Phooto Next to a parcel of land with two unused counters on it.
And the shop’s being refurbished, too. It’s like I always said: what every Post Office queue needs is a guy using a circular saw next to it.
@libbymiller Sounds like the odds are I won’t live to see tomorrow.

Oh, the joy of the bloody Post Office. pic.twitter.com/p4HkI8m2eO
Why do I have Bruce Willis’s cover of _Secret Agent Man_ in my head? #earworm
@lilydoughball I presume people that do that are either forgetful or have hired a crap algorithm to get new followers :(
@jakepjohnson Doesn’t feel quite like that to me, but nine years only accounts for about a third of my time on the internet.
Goodness. Facebook tells me I joined nine years ago today. Feels longer, somehow.
Apropos of nothing: if we leave the EU, can we drop all those bloody cookie warnings from our websites?
@emmachampion6 I guess that’s lojinks.