bazlyons LinkedIn have endorsed Microsoft for gullibility.
@ismh It’s okay, fella. We can still be friends on LiveJournal.
@gruber @siracusa Their web service team are making it. Don’t worry, they’re 80% complete. Any minute now… Any minute…
@8EJ3 Also, if they shoot you, they’ve still got your fingerprint.
@RealDramRob @Shonette Must be a hipster joint. Shame he’s not fully on-trend with a Prestel mailbox number.

First time anyone’s tried this scam — a text message from “AppleUK” with my actual name in it! Beware,
@Kavey Yur, local chain. Friendly, good coffee, certainly used to do good food, but it’s been a while since I tried it.
@Kavey Boston Tea Party.

Apparently BTP have a new sandwich, the “meh”davo :(

@Kavey @mrdaveturner @ahnlak Utterly terrified by the “also viewed…
@AlasdairStuart They’re reputedly the smartest non-mammal; I’ve always wondered what it says about intelligence that they’re also dicks.

I never knew that Isaac Asimov’s stage name was Graeme Garden.
@toddmotto I hear they tried for Google+ but were told a guy was still using it.

@anna_debenham Hopefully it will make it through my “incoming” pile sometime before retirement.

Wavy line.
@anna_debenham I wasn’t meant to be buying more books. Took about eight seconds from reading your tweet to breaking the rule…