@ChuckWendig You can call it your cygnature dish.

j8kes The whole story is so much better than the headline. pic.twitter.com/6QeLV895k9

j_c_fitz Not sure who would expect it to be that size. pic.twitter.com/2Zz3kOvU0v

Last boat out of Dodge. Er. I mean Bristol. pic.twitter.com/zgyyKfdga4
@Bufty_Grifter Yeah. I’m a Small Street Espresso kinda guy.
@Bristolvor Aha! That’s the name of the third place on my mental list, ta.
@Bufty_Grifter That has confirmed my prejudices. Also considering the new place between M Shed and Cumberland Road that serves in lab gear
*golf clap* twitter.com/ahnlak/status/…
Odd request, Bristol: what’s the most hipster coffee place in town?

Heading into town the stylish way. @BristolFerry pic.twitter.com/i8oAaT5LNa
@UrsulaWJ On the other hand, it is actually in the job description.
@UrsulaWJ I wanted to renew parking permit—no change of details—last year. Took two months and I had to get a councillor involved :(

@mattwritescode Ah! Only one sprang to mind for me. Distant years work better. pic.twitter.com/Dem71LRax4
@TechCorrect There will now be a 40 min, 1 sec break in your podcast while I listen to _Rumours_.
@UrsulaWJ Possible mistake: assuming there’s actually someone in the building.
@iamkeir LHD? Not the tame UK ecoboost then, I assume…
@FelicityMorse I’d imagined it was all stuff that Yodel was meant to deliver to other people.

jackschickler Yesterday’s false “We’re from Europe” front page quietly corrected on page 2 of today’s Mail pic.twitter.com/ivAFNkwQeb