@RellyAB I think “Catering forensics investigator Dr Harold Tabbouleh” was the point I started doubting the veracity.
@jephjacques Woo! The first time where Twitter got to me before RSS :D

StephanieChan Well played, Miniature Calendar, well played. #pistachios #eggs #aliens #gameover #xenomorphs #alien pic.twitter.com/RY5GbJTNew
@benorgan I’m going to sign up again and see how it goes. Thanks for mentioning it!
@ClaudiaLives You know, I think that’s a very worthy cause and I’d be happy to do that. What’s the best way of making that happen?
benhorsleyco Left for work in thermals, woolly hat, scarf, and emergency foil blanket. Came home in Speedos and flip-flops, sipping on a cocktail.

Chuuurs. pic.twitter.com/9Vg7cp93R3

@adambanksdotcom I think I found some :D pic.twitter.com/Au1HpvCx7y
Factory Girl flic.kr/p/HVbkU3

@RealDramRob @petedrinks Now starting a Very Scientific Experiment by taking advantage of Oddbins’ beer fridge! pic.twitter.com/VJvwUSMz75
@RealDramRob @petedrinks No way I’m drinking Bristol Beer Factory Milk Stout at room temp! Lacking a wine fridge, I’ll take 5C over 20C!
@petedrinks @RealDramRob See, there’s a sensible compromise — my favourite solution to most debate ;)
@petedrinks @RealDramRob …certainly seems to suit the Southville Hop, say.
@petedrinks @RealDramRob I’m guessing my favourites may have been brewed with cold serving in mind…
@RealDramRob The beer I drink from the fridge seems to have bucketloads of flavour.
@warriorgrrl Take the opportunity to improve the world by inventing a combination crutch/biscuit tin.
@petedrinks Any preference? twitter.com/RealDramRob/st…
@RealDramRob I like a cold stout, personally. I generally fridge my beer.
@adambanksdotcom I was very lucky to have chosen and generally loved Lightroom from the start.
@beccamagnus Wrap the phone in silver foil.
@janinedoggett @bristolgp Pleasure! flic.kr/p/Jb3t7C @paulawhite_uk

Getting closer to have a @BetterFoodCo branch I can walk to on the flat — or take a ferry to! :Dpic.twitter.com/498g1Z36a66

Today’s test shot suggests I may have a few too many Dock icons. pic.twitter.com/FY2LpzRx2t
@extractcoffee No problem! Didn’t cause me any issues, and I’m very sure I will :)
Amazing how Lightroom manages to always sort newly-imported photos in a different order, yet never the one I want.

Scenic. #Bristol instagram.com/p/BG4RLKxpC8h/
@Cookwitch Well, it’s like they had much room to go further down in my estimation.

Alain_Tolhurst MPs on all sides decked out in white roses as Corbyn pays tribute to Jo Cox pic.twitter.com/r9FbCOrqV2

Well, if you *insist*. pic.twitter.com/VxlbcCbESJ
Very British. Sorry, person who just drove past with a cheery beep and wave of recognition. No idea who you were, but I waved back anyway.
liveindetail @gothick It’s EVERYWHERE. I found part of my kitchen had been closed off yesterday so an unnecessary lane could be put next to the fridge
All this bloody Metrobus work now seems like the interminable, muddy noisy background to my every outside moment in #bristol.
@benjohnbarnes I AM A MAN NOW.
@smallstespresso Oh no!