@Kavey *Buffs nails in a slightly cryptic fashion*
@emmachampion6 Merci!
@_pigeons_ Please do. Perhaps not too loudly.
@VeraR2010 I did the Telegraph a lot when I was younger — my Dad taught me — but only started the Times in earnest this year.
@_pigeons_ That sounds like an awesome idea. Hopefully it will still sound like an awesome idea when I’ve sobered up :)
@_pigeons_ Not going to lie, I’m pretty pleased with myself right now :D
@VeraR2010 Yeah. Basking in a pretty happy fashion over here :)

My life: now complete. pic.twitter.com/ylLb2IhLQG
@hayles :D I at least know enough about women’s sizing that I wouldn’t have ordered the size 10 that turned up!
@hayles Sometimes they randomly send them to the wrong people, too!
Today so far: Ahh Toots, Brewdog, Small Bar, Stable, Swoon, Grain Barge, Pump House. May need a little lie down.

Remains of the day. pic.twitter.com/HgjlTQ5RS5

ThatTomHall So this. pic.twitter.com/luLbVu3Xqo
@hayles choc, even.
@hayles Hazelnut and salted caramel. My vegan friend seemed especially happy with the chic sorbet, too.
Just tried Swoon Gelato for the first time. Oof. Thanks for the recommendations, folks!

Be careful not to hit the 20 limit, #bristol. #hotwells pic.twitter.com/5tvGrAIdmq