Mais oui. pic.twitter.com/dAvdDvSor9
@BabsBat Room for a little one?

bunnnybabe why does my sister look exactly like the pope pic.twitter.com/mE1PcAn1jb
@chubbybannister Gawd. Sorry, am I being rubbish and failing to spot friends again? Snapping takes my brain to a different place.
@hotdogsladies “I changed my *ICON*…” 🔔🔔🔔
Hrm. @BristolPound seems to be getting slower. Worrying four minutes there on @GrainBarge wondering if I’d successfully paid or not!
@RachaelDadd *waves* Lovely to see you all today!
@carl_richards Passed the SQL Server developer exam, now onto the admin exam.

Compassion. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/lLSRLGHbxY
@ismh I have one that won’t mount on my laptop unless the laptop’s plugged into the mains. Gets me every time.

Things I’ve learned about since the referendum but wish I hadn’t, #4782: the Channel 4 News website’s headline font. pic.twitter.com/cm2wdX52gV
@Shonette Surely somewhere in Saint Nicks?

@shezza_t There we go. pic.twitter.com/FxK4ElLkDL
@amyengineer Which of the ports do all the cat videos come out of?
@arobertwebb I’m thinking “Mute the egg-man” to the tune of “Catch the pigeon…”

DickKingSmith “I do what I want.”
- Sincerely, cat. pic.twitter.com/lwMltZKJJW

Leaning station. pic.twitter.com/A4l5PnlOAD

@ahnlak Luckily mine are still very much in the pre-danger stage. pic.twitter.com/05w6yIovr2
@ahnlak I’ll remember that for the future, just in case I become an idiot.
@uliwitness It’s always “before my first cup of coffee” somewhere on the planet :D
mcelhearn FFS, will this hipster crap ever end?
@mcelhearn Don’t pull your punches, Kirk :D