William_Bain Brilliant front page from @Sunday_Mail backing #VoteRemain this Thursday #StrongerIn #EURef pic.twitter.com/vEKcBW2Erq

davidcaolo “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!” pic.twitter.com/aGLUPVuzH0
@liveindetail Oh Christ, he said, with no irony.
@simonindelicate …but thank you for the negative confirmation ;)
@simonindelicate It did seem unlikely. Especially as your bearded doppelgänger has just left a pub in Bristol, which I assume is distant…
That thing where you try to figure out if you’re in a pub with @simonindelicate. Seems unlikely, but stranger things have happened.
@Kavey *Buffs nails* *Stares into distance* I’m just a guy who knows the score, ma’am.

Pub dog says HI TWITTER. pic.twitter.com/hP1HWiDQX0
That’s a first: someone walked into the pub and asked me what the score for the (finished) match was, and I SUCCESSFULLY TOLD THEM.
Have retired to the lovely, and surprisingly empty, Three Tuns for some excellent beer. Surprised not to find it rammed with BristolGP folk.

If I got to the top of this hill just *once*, I’d need a nice cup of tea and a lie down. #BristolGP pic.twitter.com/8ayEZxCGXp

Determined #BristolGP pic.twitter.com/yxYka52mfl
@P_M_G_K @BristolPost @KinetaHill Top Gear really *has* gone downhill.

tomgauld ‘James Bond is driving in his underwater car…’ (My cartoon for today’s @guardianreview) - pic.twitter.com/JGOUE89yLm

Cornering. #bristolgp pic.twitter.com/xdf1RVNXF2
@samsneed12 (But it always wound me up in L*shings, where the kitchen would often have different loud radio on from the cafe.)
@samsneed12 Well, they are now playing Miles Davis (and nothing else) and are completely forgiven.
@hayles @chubbybannister I would probably sell my soul to Pickle for a year’s supply of flat whites and their tuna sandwiches.

@samsneed12 I am not going to name and shame as they have fixed the issue and redeemed themselves with gastronomy. pic.twitter.com/lSCXRnDC6t
Pet hate: cafes that have two sound systems playing clashing music.

They go quite quickly, you know. #bristolgp #amcrapcommentator pic.twitter.com/791rVMORoC

And at Brandon head office, the HR department is having a quiet word with the PR department. pic.twitter.com/FH5gKYPP6e

@extractcoffee Thanks for the beans! Don’t know if you’re aware, but Royal Mail seem to have issue with the postage. pic.twitter.com/nwtJ1qjmB2
newsycombinator American society increasingly mistakes intelligence for human worth theatlantic.com/magazine/archi…

Went to Flow last night. Lovely food. pic.twitter.com/wIQHHPaeyR
unamccormack I defy you not to be cheered up by this. #blakes7 #cheersyouup m.youtube.com/watch?v=CImVP1…