@Bingo_Little I’m going to lay everything out in the kitchen now so I don’t forget :D
suzanne_moore Sir Clement Freud exposed as a paedophile as police urged to probe Madeleine McCann links | via @TelegraphNews telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/1…

HaroldHotspur Irish fans out of control in France … Changing a flat tyre for some local pensioners pic.twitter.com/WHXzxVXYoo
@chubbybannister @fuckeveryword Fuck fleece. Is that the modern version of a smoking jacket?
@Bingo_Little I have some stale bread. On the plus side, I also have eggs and maple syrup, so tomorrow may be French toast day :D

BristolBites #new Free gelato deliveries on Friday, June 17th ift.tt/1Q0AzLM pic.twitter.com/EYVDGCXJjb
@samsneed12 As I was, except with lemon curd on my shopping list. Ta.
@samsneed12 I’ve had one sine the mid-nineties.
@samsneed12 Also, I didn’t realise curd had become A Thing. And now I want a lemon curd sandwich.
@samsneed12 BUT BUT
@Peculiar What am I missing? I see one…

Oooh, found a @voog original. pic.twitter.com/DV4OX4m0OP
@ahnlak It was the final frontier.

…not to mention the fine company she’s been keeping#blakes7spic.twitter.com/d0YWhX5bP3P3

Down to the last leg of my reorganisation. Now, what shall I do with @ClaudiaLives..pic.twitter.com/BhGrWDXBsGsG
@caitlinmoran So he at least has all the qualifications of an MP *ducks*
@UrsulaWJ I reckon it’s a Martin Amis novel. @CharlieEsq_ can be Charlie Bedsit.
Reckon Tom’s holding Jeremy’s handcuffs in that group photo.
@ccMick Did they integrate it into iTunes?
@EffBeeee At this point, that almost sounds optimistic.
Moving the basil to the window ledge *not* next to my desk, so I stop craving Greek salad all day :D