@tsunimee Well, who is? *buffs nails on chest* Still, if you think he’s okay, why not stay in touch a bit? It’s not a lifelong commitment.
@tsunimee Well, was he nice?
jwhdavison LOL: Petition to deport CNN’s Piers Morgan over gun control is countered by one saying the UK doesn’t want him back m.nydailynews.com/1.1227499
@Thehappyfatgirl There’s probably no safe way for me to answer that question.
Ah, _The Belles of St. Trinians_. Shame I don’t have the correct accompaniment (black market gin, that is.)
@KaveyF @ahnlak (The Red is probably thinner than average, so maybe try one of those and the next two thicker ones? Everyone stocks Dunlop.)
@KaveyF @ahnlak I use Jim Dunlop Tortex Red; (.5 mm; diff widths are diff colours.) Doubt you’ll pay more than £1 for one. They last years.
@KaveyF It’s quite hard to buy expensive ones :D
@ahnlak It wears off after twenty five years or so.
@KaveyF Guitar shops always love a big spender ;) Buy few different ones; thickness changes the tone and the feel. Plus he *will* lose ‘em.
More leftovers? Don’t mind if I do… instagr.am/p/TtKDC2JC_c/
@Thehappyfatgirl Erm. Can I get back to you on that?
@Thehappyfatgirl Mmmmmpf. Yempf, it wasph. *chews*
Chocolate hedgehog. Almost too cute to eat. Almost. instagr.am/p/TtIP3pJC-B/
Hrm. Leftovers. Mark’s Bread’s fig and black pepper loaf, with a bit of paté, methinks…
@tsunimee It wasn’t that erotic an experience, first-hand, but I’m glad you enjoyed it ;)
I have just been groomed by a cat. I didn’t think my beard needed that much attention, personally. Rough-tongued little fusspot.
@helloemsy @jukesie @HKelleher Are we? Wish you’d told me before I had a mere plate of bacon and eggs for breakfast.
@philsturgeon *Beepbeep* “Siri, where’s Bedmo Asdal to?” … “Wouldn’t you prefer a nice game of global thermonuclear war?”
@laurenlaverne Are you sure? There’s a goat’s cheese here we’ve not even opened. DOWN IN ONE! DOWN IN ONE!
@MitchBenn Well, I wouldn’t say *need*, but I’d certainly not mind having one about the place.
@other_red WINNAR.