Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 28th, 2012

@markpack @simond Ah! Well, at least we know what’s going on now…

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@dangusset Fairly sure the Rubik’s Cube bit is. Less convinced about booking the flights.

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@Adamy323 Aww, thanks. Still needs a lot of work, mind…

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@benorgan I was endorsed for agile development methodologies by a haiku poet last week.

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Parents trying book flight back to Crete sometime around new year. Sounds like trying to solve Rubik’s Cubes while juggling them.

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@oxfordgirl Actually, that’s true. You might be the only safe woman on the planet.

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@oxfordgirl Well, that’s less than *I’d* charge to be Berlusconi’s wife.

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@polly_lop28 I’m glad. And somewhat relieved. *Un-boards windows*.

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@polly_lop28 If I don’t hear from you within an hour, I shall assume you are hunting me down in real life for purposes of physical revenge.

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@polly_lop28 Hrm. If you’re sure you know your password, I’d delete and re-add your account (from iPhone’s Settings app, under Twitter.)

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At t’Grain Barge, with t’parents.

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@KaveyF Oh, it did appear, did it? Good! Sorry, was going to ask you to check it first, but parents arrived in interim…

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@talkie_tim It won’t be very interesting. I play about one game a year.

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@talkie_tim Errr… gothick_matt, I think. It’s updating at the moment, so I can’t check.

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@talkie_tim Damn it. You made me start Steam up for the first time since Portal 2 came out.

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Hrm. Downloaded desktop client for a web app, because I wanted faster interface. Desktop app is Java, and slower than web app.

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Amazon have finally made it so you can host static website on S3 with less hassle over “www” redirecting, etc.…

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@ParkFurn Very much, thanks! Great experience all round.

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@nickbrompton I really should try to keep several on the go at once, at different stages. But that’s too much like work for lazybones here.

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@nickbrompton Good. It needs a fair bit more work, but I think I need some distance before I go back to it.

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@guriben All done with GarageBand, yes. Though the problem with me playing drums is my drumming, not my flat :D

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@tsunimee I only just got up! Will see if my cocoa and whisky (not in the same glass!) makes me feel sleepier.

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@tsunimee Ah. That makes more sense now :D

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@tsunimee Protective head gear? For drinking whisky?

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@mhoulden A separate glass is indeed the solution I’ve gone for. I always say I want to do more music, and never seem to :(

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Right. Getting up to make hot milk. I’d put some whisky in it, but I’ve only got good single malt in the house; seems a waste…

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@tsunimee Mmmm. Thanks! (Also: hot milk. There’s an idea. Might have some drinking chocolate in the cupboard, too.)

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A song I’m still fiddling with. Painted Heart Demo… on

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Maybe I’ll finally cut a demo version of this song I’ve been fiddling with.

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(Pipe down at the back there. That’s rude.)

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Bah. I’m getting up again. There must be something I can do until I feel sleepy.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Well, I’d volunteer, but it seems a tad forward for a first meeting…

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@oxfamcothambook And I was relatively good today, too. You’d have thought the insomnia would’ve gone along with the overindulgence…

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@Thehappyfatgirl Have you not got two boy scouts to rub together?

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@Thehappyfatgirl Oh. Bed’s normally the warmest place in my flat, with the quilt and all. Hot water bottle?

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Ugh. Insomnia.

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