Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 5th, 2012

@KaveyF There are 8,294 microsleeps to Christmas.

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@Sarah_Boycott I guess it makes for better viewing figures if your neutrality is generated by extreme gittishness from both sides.

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@benjohnbarnes @chris_j_hughes A lot of these clips are pretty much what I’m sure will happen every next second I’m a passenger with my dad.

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@Sarah_Boycott Is it possible they couldn’t find one who was annoying or confrontational enough for their agenda?

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@chubbybannister You drank so much you’ll need that in the morning!?

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@chris_j_hughes Horse… Zebra Crossing… SO CONFUSED.

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At least we can all agree that if there’s one group more offensive than cyclists and drivers, it’s YouTube commenters.

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@chris_j_hughes I’ll get to it when the telly prog’s stopped :)

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@chris_j_hughes Two seconds of the soundtrack and I had to stop it.

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I hope people watching realise that majority of cyclists and car drivers aren’t just swerving around looking for fights.

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@BlackDogDays In a similar boat, I reckon. I have frozen pizza but my recovering-from-cold body is craving whisky.

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@BristolBites …I remember walking through the legal chambers to get there quickly from NatWest Insurance in Broad Street.

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@BristolBites Oooh, nice. That’s where Fantastic Sandwich used to be when I first moved to Bristol…

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@Bristol_Jane She’d be allowed to help with the big interview if they were married.

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tsimonite Confused. An internet company called has dumped a huge print out of its website on my doorstep.

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@guriben Stab your eye a couple of time for me. Still a bit too lurgied, I’m afraid.

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@liveindetail Nothing. If it’s a good enough party, nobody will remember anything in the morning anyway.

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@liveindetail Pretend to be offended that they hadn’t noticed you all evening.

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@liveindetail Turn up as dessert arrives and claim you were at the other end of the table all evening.

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My experience of snowfall in Bristol suggests that Hotwells Pine might be over-optimistic in their current o

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Might be time for a late lunch at the Galley…

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That’s actually a pretty sensible distribution medium for a railings-heavy town. Nice!

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Litter, or social commentary?

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Did someone spike my coffee with LSD? Oh, wait, no, I’m just looking at a moving retina display while wearing Polaroid sunglasses.

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@charlie_cat_esq Wish I hadn’t had breakfast already now. And I’m with you on the soup, too, as bread-delivery system.

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@betty_watson I’m always a bit baffled around there. Let me know what you find & how it was :) Consider Cotham Hill places if near middle.

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“Up to 10 days” for email subscription changes to take effect, Apple? Guess we really need those new Mac Pros.

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Female members barred from speaking at university’s Misogynist Tossers’ Society meetings? Colour me surprised.

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Also: please Christmas remind me Christmas not Christmas to watch Christmas daytime TV Christmas while Christmas ill in Christmas December.

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@charlie_cat_esq I had one if those while my kitchen was being ripped out. That wasn’t a good enough excuse either.

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@KaveyF Something tells me that firm might not be great to work for anyway…

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Feeling better today. Will see if I can do without the morning Lemsip. Will work this morning, albeit in a bath robe ;)

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@betty_watson It’s lovely, isn’t it? If I weren’t wrapped up in a head cold and a bathrobe I might have been there myself…

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