Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 26th, 2013

@mistymaria Your guess is as good as mine. I’m updating, but then this is just a test phone…

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Ah. Hello, KitKat. Finally made it to my Nexus 4, did we?

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_Jhas_ This reddit comment about ‘What’s the laziest thing you’ve ever done?’ is incredible.…

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 8:18 PM, Nov 26th, 2013 via Echofon)

@shezza_t Special effect snow. ITV drama about Chris Jefferies, apparently.

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@psidnell Thankfully, he did at least migrate south. Hopefully to be sucked into a jet engine before he comes back.

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“Spam levels remain unusually high.” Glad it’s not just our forum, at least…… @benjohnbarnes

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@tomroyal Whereas I had to go turn that off, because tabs were annoying me… Think they might need some better preferences!

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@tomroyal Er. You know Finder has tabs now, right?

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Surely he must have worn the bloody thing away by now.

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Gawd, I really wish the mobile jetwash guy with the really loud compressor van would finish cleaning whatever the hell he’s cleaning.

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@teacherdude Crete is famous for its yoghurt mines, which contribute 38% to Greece’s GDP.

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@BristolEating Yes. Basically nothing that’s not easily recycled or happily given to a friend if they don’t like it, that’s my rule.

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brad_frost Tab Closed Didn’t Read
via @sherred

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:38 AM, Nov 26th, 2013 via Echofon)

@shezza_t Oh dear. Of course, hair drying accidents are quite rare at my place…

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@artsandwriting No. My dad used to when I was a kid. I tried it as an adult and couldn’t work out why you’d want to.

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@samsneed12 Luckily, I don’t have an upstairs. I know how to live within the limits of my powers.

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Name: Matt Gibson. Secret superpower: Remembering what he went into the kitchen for.

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@monicashaw @Kavey There are candles. I was certainly happier than with the previous alternative, which was “We haven’t got a loo yet.”

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@Kavey It’s certainly better than the options they had last time I was there!

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@Kavey Given that they lack mains water, electricity and planning permission for anything permanent, I think it’s pretty good :)

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@dave_buxton Switching to winter breakfast mode involves re-learning to turn the gas off after making porridge. Apparently.

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As well as the view, they also have the cutest loo in the world.

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I came back from the St Austell beer fest via my friends’ farm in Somerset yesterday. This is the view from the top…

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