@KellySibson I’m just trying to pick ones I don’t remember that well.
@tsunimee You know we’ve invented “indoors”, right?
Still ill. Applying Day Nurse, whisky and ST:TNG in roughly equal doses.
@stillawake On the wall of the Guildhall :)
mattpointblank Zizzi are keeping things subtle in the URL for their “Offers” page: zizzi.co.uk/datacapture
@waiyeehong I’ll send you my address.
On the hard stuff. instagram.com/p/g2z844JC_B/
ghostfinder Hundreds of lost indie bands found in Camden Lock: thedailymash.co.uk/news/arts-enteā¦
@TheWhiskyWire @abbeywhisky Damn it. Hope my cold’s better by then. I’m sure the tasting will help the cold, but probably not vice versa.
iTunes Connect design philosophy: “If you can’t hide the option in a really obscure place, at least hide its documentation.”
Morning, everyone.
I have a streaming cold.