petapixel Adobe opens up CC photography bundle to everyone for a limited time:
nsIAnswers I want a “Keep calm while we steal your data” Chrome mug!…
Really, Microsoft?…
@shezza_t Coincidentally, I’ll be at the St Austell Beer Festival…
brucel Funeral directors: always tie the deceased’s shoelaces together. That way, if there’s a zombie apocalypse, it’ll be hilarious.
@hayles Ah, I see. Never been to Hull. Closest I’ve ever got is probably Grimsby.
@hayles Hull thing? What did I miss?
@hughlaurie On the other hand, “A fleeting moment” is an anagram of “molten enema gift”, which was surely worth the time…

#abbeywhisky Game over. Thank you all, lovely evening!
@galg @abbeywhisky @TheWhiskyWire Yes indeedy. *applause*
#AbbeyWhisky Ah, people keep telling me I should try more Speysides… I think this counts as further evidence.
#abbeywhisky Though there’s not really the sea salt for that *exact* picture.

#abbeywhisky This is what it tastes of to me. Not that that helps much.
@thekarleighshow *Bows* *Whispers “black cherry, with a hint of tobacco.”*
#abbeywhisky Oooh, ‘ello. That’s more alcohol than I thought there would be.
#abbeywhisky Nicely rounded. Nose does seem to say “finished in sherry” to me.
@ahnlak Darkest of the lot.
#AbbeyWhisky Bit like someone’s dropped a toffee in an Auchentoshan.
#AbbeyWhisky Old, you’re thinking? I was thinking young. Then again, I do have a cold.
#AbbeyWhisky Something a little medicinal about this one. Demerara dissolved in TCP, with some freshly-chopped wood.

#abbeywhisky Onto number 4. NB: Glass selection does not indicate a guess :D
@Ashamantms I’m thinking a steak in anchovy sauce… #abbeywhisky
#abbeywhisky The Ben Nevis has a *lot* going for it/going on in it. But not a fan of the rubber undertone. Bunnahabhain still fave.
@CuanBrown @thirstyscotsman @chrismiles303 @rodbodtoo @BeersIveKnown @TheWhiskyWire There you go:…
@MyWhiskyGuide @chrismiles303 @rodbodtoo @BeersIveKnown @TheWhiskyWire I was just going to guess that Innis and Gunn would have done that!
@BeersIveKnown @TheWhiskyWire *Dribbles water in* #abbeywhisky

Increasing detritus. #abbeywhisky
@TheWhiskyWire Not entirely sure I’m enjoying the inner tube, even now I’m expecting it… #abbeywhisky
@MCRWhiskyClub *snigger*
@chrismiles303 #abbeywhisky Yes. Inner tubes and creosote.
#abbeywhisky This smells of old money. Rolls Royces and walnut drinks cabinets.
#abbeywhisky Oooh. Stewed prunes in custard, with brown sugar. In a good way.
#abbeywhisky What? There’s another one!? *Dashes back to tasting table*

@steveprentice @surfpunkian Yup, Lagavulin’s got a lot going for it. Took this shot of @petedrinks there this year :)
@ahnlak Pretty please! :)
@surfpunkian Well, there’s an awful lot in easy reach once you get to Islay. @petedrinks drove us there from Glasgow this year; was lovely.
@surfpunkian Thank you. I recommend going and catching the view in person if you can; it’s a lovely place. #abbeywhisky

#abbeywhisky Unsurprising there’s a touch of the sea going on…
#abbeywhisky Reminding me of this year’s Caol Ila distiller’s edition, which was one of my faves. Shame I left my bottle with @petedrinks!
#abbeywhisky Honey, salt and cloves.
@rodbodtoo Yeah. Sea salt, bit of honey, and maybe a touch of two-stroke outboard fumes :D #abbeywhisky
#abbeywhisky Smells of early evening sea breeze, with a hint of butterscotch thrown in.

#AbbeyWhisky Love Bunnahabhain. Was there for the Feis Ile this year. Here’s a view of their pier, with Jura in back.
@bexxi Why thank you. Hopefully that will still be the case in four small bottles of whisky’s time.
@mattveira Yes! Leather. Never would have occurred to me until you said that. #abbeywhisky
(I’d like to apologise to my regular, non-whisky-tasting followers. Hopefully you can put up with this for a short while, or mute the tag.)
#abbeywhisky To me there’s less coming through than there was on the nose, but my stinking cold might well be responsible for that :(
#abbeywhisky Can certainly tell it’s a strong ‘un. Initially a slightly syrupy feeling, Black pepper.

Settling in for the evening now. #abbeywhisky
#abbeywhisky Settling down to a nice toffee over pears for me now.
#abbeywhisky #1 Agreeing with all on the sweetness. Something a little Christmas-cakey going on, too.
@TheWhiskyWire Evenin’ all. #abbeywhisky
@Kavey “I’m getting hints of black cherry, but that *could* be the Strepsils…”

Despite my lurgy, getting ready for #AbbeyWhisky tweet tasting. “Peaty, with undertones of Lemsip…”
@nessiefletch No, in the end I just walked to St Nick’s and back. Am feeling unusually un-hungry with this cold, too.
Trying to get a broken bin taken away without ordering a new one on the @BristolCouncil website is surprisingly hard.

Taking my cold for a walk around the harbour while we have some blue sky…
@dave_ja You should snap it into thirds, you know. More aesthetically pleasing.

loupepper RT @FelicityMorse: Most British thing ever
@edwardoregan …which is, let’s face it, the best thing you can say for any technology.
@edwardoregan Now, that one’s not annoyed me *yet*…
netmag Are you interested in GAME DESIGN? Then send us your questions for @ianlobb – he’s waiting to reply. We’ll print the best i@netmagag
@edwardoregan Christ, after the fortnight I’ve had just getting them to fix report downloads for me, I don’t want to see the Play Console.

Halfway. Through. Generating. A. Key. *grits teeth*