@Thehappyfatgirl @liveindetail Stump up for a 5D mk III and an f/1.2 lens and you won’t even need the flash :D
“He only learned to read so he’d have something to do while his lips moved…” Oh, Lovejoy :)

@BradleyLaw also, maybe try genmaicha. Very different experience. pic.twitter.com/ncmqNfozw5
@BradleyLaw Couple of minutes. No technique. I do like it stronger than most people, though. Worth experimenting.

@BradleyLaw Um. Well, typically, like this. But I’m lazy. pic.twitter.com/VvHgvCVWWF
@BradleyLaw No, I’d say that means you’re doing it wrong. Or, just possibly, that you don’t like green tea.
@jo_whit I wasn’t. But I am now.
@Kavey Someone recently warned me about Axl Rose in that regard, too.
I am 40 years old. Yet when I do this: youtube.com/watch?v=mfN0C_… … what I see is this: youtube.com/watch?v=HBd6ig…

HistoryInPics The models for “American Gothic” pic.twitter.com/RMKnS2wO5k

Cool! Alabama 3 sent me a copy of their latest album :) Lovely postal surprise. pic.twitter.com/aaP1EgfX7f