@hayles No. No, it isn’t.
damienkatz I need change my luggage combination. “For Nearly Two Decades the Launch Code at US Minuteman Silos Was 00000000” todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013…
@amberanima Likewise. Feel free to keep that as long as you need; I won’t be wallpapering any time soon :)
@amberanima Cool. I’ll be there in 5 mins.
@amberanima No probs. You’re there now, then?
@amberanima Yur, could drive out for my shopping today rather than walking. You around in the next hour or two? DM me where to go…

@amberanima *Checks cellar* Yes, but it’s cheap, damp, and a little warped. pic.twitter.com/vWXnqe9Ttp
@Malarkey How’s that career as a soldier, mercenary and intelligence operative worked out so far? :D

MAACambridge 1961: thousands of bones excavated in St Neots. The person marking each bone with the site code finally had enough! pic.twitter.com/J4GNnR8uHp
@AthanSpod Yup, seems to be fine now, ta. Some odd blip in routing between me and France, from what I could work out. Was fine from the US.
Replacing Pomodoro Technique with quad copter technique — play for ten minutes, work for an hour while recharging batteries, repeat :D
@stillawake Glad someone else already re-posted. I saved it just in case, too, on the grounds I thought it might disappear.
@shezza_t Cute idea. We do now have a local Lakeland, but it’s at a ghastly out-of-town shopping centre, so I’ve not visited yet.
@SarahLBilotti Heh. So, he’s ruling your life, then? Can’t say you didn’t expect that to happen :D
“As confirmed by promotional hearse” is probably not a phrase previously uttered, I suspect.

BuzzFeedUK Sherlock will return to BBC1 on New Year’s Day. As confirmed by promotional hearse pic.twitter.com/wfHiQ21sPe (via @johnplunkett149)
@jakepjohnson It was the urinal cake metaphor that probably had my neighbours worrying about the laughing nutter downstairs…
B247Martin A must-read: Venue’s collective f-you to owners Local World and Bristol Post on venue.co.uk’s last day: venue.co.uk/features/21363…
@guriben Yeah. But I’m not sure my packets are getting as far as the English Channel. Fine from New York, though.
Assuming France is actually still there, anyway.
Hrm. Seeing some strange routing issues on t’internet, it seems.
@Satchi1 Pleasure! Any questions/problems, drop me a line.
Hrm. *Pokes Get Running website with a stick* *gets no response*
Bristol52 The Bag of Nails are having a beer festival this weekend, This is a cracking little pub, I’ll be there on Saturday twitpic.com/dmz6vz