Sometimes all it takes a stark contrast of priorities to make me unfollow someone. pic.twitter.com/0N2pnnWGA8
liftoffpodcast SpaceX making an announcement. Rumor is it’s moon-related. livestream.com/accounts/16944…

alistaircoleman “Do you think people will know that says arise?”
“Yeah, go for it” pic.twitter.com/LoJiMoCmoh

Sue Ryder on Park St also have one of the prettiest light meters ever, if anyone needs one. pic.twitter.com/qo6perijiE

Well, it’s cheaper than an XPan. But still a bit rich for my blood. pic.twitter.com/BMGNKckjM0

Helm and hill #igersbristol ift.tt/2lLCsRC pic.twitter.com/XZAuHC1j8x