@parryphernalia Isn’t that ironic? Oh, wait, no, it’s not :)
@rabidbee Oh, heck, good point. Erm. May be along later, depends how I feel about moving after a Very Long Bath Indeed. Erm.
Just had a very long, hot bubble bath with David Sylvian.
@tweeny4 Well, I would. #yesimstraight #butitsdavidfuckingsylvian
@psidnell heh. No. _Orpheus_, from _Everything and Nothing_. *swoons*
@bexxi My now-famous “Matt’s Lemonade” has mint in it. Works a treat. Lemon and ginger sounds more like a cold remedy.
For the curious: http://runkeeper.com/use…
@uttermedia You could have watched it live on the website, too. Then you’d have felt like a really, really *bored* stalker.
@benjohnbarnes Merci!
@rabidbee Oooh, yeah, sounds like a plan. It’s just possible I should have an early night tonight. And not walk far.
@benjohnbarnes I. Am. NOT. Going. Out. Jogging. Again. Today.
*giggle* http://bit.ly/cfFPdc
@davelawrence8 @Jerkwheatery Presumably you’ll listen to the full, complete collection while locked in the trunk of a car?
So it’s Canada Day, is it? I shall therefore tidy my lounge to the sounds of The Cowboy Junkies and Neil Young.
@parryphernalia So does poking yourself in the eye with a drumstick.
@bertpalmer But _slow_!
Hmm. Is OpenDNS unhappy at the moment, or is something odd going on with my network, I wonder?
@ollyperris I’m starting to suspect so.
@tsunimee Thanks, sweetheart. I was mostly just playing with new software. It could have done with a soundtrack; they work better like that!
Goodness. Haven’t checked Vimeo for ages. My lightsaber flashmob video apparently has had 35,689 views! http://vimeo.com/9426017
@tsunimee I do know what you mean. Most people get dizzy when they watch this one: http://vimeo.com/3317900 :)
Anyway. Just a teensy bit knackered after my thirteen mile run(!) so I think it’s bedtime! Night all…
I am just nipping out for a jog. I may be some time.
Taking a break at 10k. Someone remind me gown many km a half marathon is?
Holy crap. Hit 19K. Think I’m walking the rest!
Whew. Sitting down feels rather nice. I did indeed have to walk the last couple, but I did travel 21.07 kilometres, mostly jogging. Cool.
@parryphernalia Yup! Difficult in all this heat, though!
@bertpalmer From the Portway, around Leigh Woods, across Suspension Bridge, around Downs :)