Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 4th, 2010

Hoping to try out . Could save me some hassle having someone else handle my WordPress backup storage, at least…

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@Jorence 4 minutes, 16 seconds to go :)

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@ahnlak What was that UK cult that did the “levitation” by jumping up and down in the lotus position? Remember them?

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@ahnlak You may be right. But won’t help for meditation later. Hard to focus when rocking backwards and forwards on the zafu with wild eyes.

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@Jorence …so I can, say, join Goodreads at the drop of a hat ;)…

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@Jorence I use Delicious Library to scan everything in with the camera, so I can export it easily.

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Damn. Finished coffee before I’d even started the Morning Pages. Always harder on a weekend. Another cup, maybe..?

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@Jorence Oooh, good point, haven’t exported from Delicious Library to for a while…

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Wow. Many weird dreams. Including a guest appearance from @hayles. (Don’t worry. Armadillo-weird, not pervy-weird.)

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Ah, yes, here we go: This is what I’ll look like if I try meditating after a second cup of coffee:

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@katylouiseg @kshack22 @hayles It is a Cosmos. “Lightning fingers” @Lillput got there first :)

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@jukesie It makes a refreshing change from the modern shows, that are so often the other way around…

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Thanks @Lillput! Yes, Google Images seems to agree with you that it’s a Cosmos.

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Can someone identify this flower for me, please? Ta!

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@jukesie Nothing says “quality” like highly advanced technology made from bits of sawn-off drainpipe and leftover perspex :)

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I wish I hadn’t chosen the iCal alarm sound that every FX guy used for “Emergency Klaxon” in every SF and disaster film of the last decade.

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@tsunimee “Man flu” is a mild cold, exaggerated by a self-pitying ill bloke into a raging, hideous disease in order to gain sympathy.

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@stillawake Baldwin Street, IIRC. Lovely Dutch lady doing savoury and sweet pancakes. Big and hearty and lovely. And so were the pancakes.

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@stillawake Mmm. Pancakes. Shame Double Dutch closed down :(

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Playing with Autostitch on the way past the station ;)

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In Cafe du Jour, which seems nice apart from the inescapable soft rock radio. Oh well.

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@libbymiller Yeah, I hear they just found that out from all those Russians.

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Interesting idea. Guessing I may need more space than my tiny icebox, though.

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@IreneB9 Indeed. It’s my first rung on the secret underground lair ladder. I’m still saving for sliding fibreglass volcano-tops.

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Ugh. Have now had breakfast, and run out of energy. Maybe I’ll have a little nap.

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Hmm. I am already Too Hot. And I have yet to step out of my basement.

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@hayles I think we were just talking. In a mansion. That’s about all I remember. Lots of odd snippets all night long; brain now flooded.

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@benjohnbarnes @SailingKat I always tell the artist that it’s not for actual podcast use; never had a problem so far.

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guriben Carnival fallout: various groups of mashed up crusties strewn around the greenspaces of St Werburghs. Flo asks “who are these idiot humans”

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Right. Morning Pages. Now. See you in a half-hour.

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@Jorence …but Delicious Library’s barcode scanning is very good.

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@Jorence There’s also Bookpedia. Heard good things about it. Am about to have a cull, not sure how easy stuff is to _remove_ from D.L…

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