Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 5th, 2010

Oh, lovely, warm, fluffy towels. So glad I bought a new washer/dryer instead of an iPad :)

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@campbellclaret Are there really only two paragraphs in that blog entry, or does the site just not work on iPhones?

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Oop. Nearly missed the boat. Had to walk down to the next stop.

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@tsunimee It’s important to get one’s tech purchases right.

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@campbellclaret In my defence, I was on a boat. Hard to access desktop from there!

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@tsunimee Presumably if I think they still look so beautiful that I don’t notice a trifling detail like that, I pass, right?

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@Kinkykenny I believe that’s the normal state of mind when dealing with Facebook.

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@BinaryDad Wow. He’s actually doing the “it’s a fair cop, guv” face!

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Just randomly read the Wikipedia article on Play-doh, and now I think I need to buy some :)

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mrchrisaddison Just stopped for seconds at another sushi bar. Think I might have a really middle class eating disorder.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:00 AM, Jul 5th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

@tweeny4 Bearing in mind there’s a bit of stop-motion animation software I’d like to play with, I think this could be a good “investment”…

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@tyronem And every silver lining has a cloud. Both lines from Blake’s 7, if I recall correctly…

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@philmonger @Jorence I remember when those first came out & a Starbucks server warned me against even though they’d been told to push ‘em…

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