@benjohnbarnes However: http://www.youtube.com/w…
@djelibeybi_meg My pleasure! It was a particularly lovely sky last night.
But in the meantime, MOAR COFFEE!
Good Thing, even.
I have now lost 16lbs since I started running. This is a Good Think. I think I may buy myself a reward :D
@Jorence Have a good one. Looks like pretty good running weather out there.
Slowly gaining consciousness. #coffee
@amandapalmer You must have one of the world’s weirdest “to-do” lists.
@Squonk Yeah, it’s really handy. I subscribe to the FitnessReports bit, too; you get lots of pretty graphs. It’s on Android and iPhone.
@Squonk RunKeeper gives a rough indicator of calories burned. http://runkeeper.com/use… :)
@Squonk probably average 10K+ per week. I’m pretty slow by nature. 7-8 mins/km. With occasional short photo breaks on prettier runs!
@IreneB9 @stillawake @ScubaScorpion @benjohnbarnes Thanks all :)
@benjohnbarnes I had it since I was a kid, probably since 1987. I don’t know if I’ve got the wiring to rip it…
Now that’s what I call a 7-inch! http://twitpic.com/26k5sr
@Barb_G Because when loose threads detach from clothes, all the joy drains out of them, and they fade to monochrome. #imaybebluffing
@Ohdoctah Heh. Nor did I, but that’s geographical. This was my childhood Old Spice advert: http://www.youtube.com/w…
@globalmoxie But hey, it’s a beta.
@globalmoxie Sadly, I’ve found the Boxee bookmarklet is only about 70% successful as a solution along those lines. http://bit.ly/99Dbtg
@MitchBenn The Radioheadless Horseman #monsterbands
#monsterbands They Might Be Giant Squid
@Jorence Might’ve done. *snigger*
@kingjeffrey Yup, all fixed, ta. Good FAQ!
Yowzer. It’s the kind of day where walking up the hill to Clifton makes me want to walk back down again and have a cool shower.
@benjohnbarnes So did I, but it turns out that was about five months ago. http://mattgetsrunning.c…
…and if you write on a Mac, and haven’t tried @ScrivenerApp, go give it a blast.
ScrivenerApp 24-hour, 24% Scrivener discount celebrating Hunter S. Thompson’s birthday! Enter THOMPSON as a coupon code when purchasing regular licence.
@johnmcg Did you mean to send that to everyone in your Gmail address book through Wave?
@talkie_tim See? Fun!
@talkie_tim Where’s the fun in that, though?
@becksldrt FX: tumbleweeds
@talkie_tim Ooh, erk. Will have to check that. Mine were at least using a standard format compatible with iBank before. Hrm.
@talkie_tim It’s possible we share a bank. Does it seem like all they’ve changed is the presentation, leaving the crap underlying usability?
Right. Off to Moti to buy some new Mizunos. Might as well get them now so I can wear them in before the half-marathon.
@benparkatbjs And, from what I remember, may count as one of the highest-calorie breakfast cereals ever :)
@benparkatbjs Ooooh, that stuff is lovely. Really.
I suppose I should do something.
Fixing a WordPress theme so its title attributes don’t break wp-typography. It’s the little things that suck up your time.
Well done @scottejames on finishing the #trailwalker. You crazy fool.
scottejames #trailwalker finished 27.5 hours beat last years time (just) did cp 9 at 12 hour pace. Go drugs.
@Jorence Sometimes you can have a shite run without any obvious reasons, either. Don’t blame yourself too much! Well done on getting out!
@Jorence Indeed. And I often find that a bad run comes just before some progress. It’s odd.