@rabidbee no. Which is why you’ll never see a fire in a moon-based supermarket. #uniquesentence
@KaveyF huh? Survey?
Huh? A Google Chrome advertising poster!? http://bit.ly/8Jdl1K http://twitpic.com/tq5u2
How sweet is this? Well, I guess I’ll find out later… http://twitpic.com/tq94x
@tweeny4 there’s a free version now with the first week’s running, so you can try before you buy… (Get Running Lite)
@tweeny4 I’d say it takes a while to get to love it. But I’m enjoying it now, and it’s got me some good photos!
@benjohnbarnes don’t forget to tag appropriately, dear. http://www.benmarsh.co.u…
@benjohnbarnes @PamelaAgar although it seems the newer version at http://uksnow.benmarsh.c… is the best link to use. Snow! Yay!
@jukesie when that happens to me, I usually find out on the last day that if I turn left instead of right then reception’s two seconds away!
@rabidbee oooh, 1600. I should get me some of that.
@rabidbee …but I’d best get through this 400 and see if I’m using this thing right first!
@rabidbee of course they can. But what’s in it for them?
I’d like to report a bug. This seems to be cold rain, not snow. Yes, it’s reproducible. What? You want me to turn Bristol off and on again?
Ugh. Should plough through a ton of email, and think about Christmas some more. But need to be up early and am dog-tired. Bleh.
@zinziii It turned up? Yay!
@simonindelicate Did I miss that guitar track you were going to post?
@KaveyF Hmm. Pickled onions. Chocolate. Brandy sauce.
Ugh. Back from a wet, cold plod that I shall call a 5K jog. Now to wring my socks out and change into something warm.
Cool. That swans photo of mine from the other day (http://flic.kr/p/7n7rL2) made it to Explore.
@pjakobs Odd. It’s definitely public. And 139 other people have seen it. Is your twitter client getting the link highlighting wrong, maybe?
@pjakobs You could try the whole longwinded thing: http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@KaveyF Oh, sorry. Love. Can’t think of anything I hate. Don’t like nuts much.
Hmm. Have @lovefilm just sent me an email consisting of the word “$MESSAGE_BODY”, or is this an inept phishing attempt?
@pjakobs Ta! Glad it’s working :) I normally put spaces around URLs when I post to avoid that sort of mangling. Ah well.
@voyce Looking at the headers, I’d say inept phishing. Unless @lovefilm have started sending their marketing mail from a PC in Mexico.
@tweeny4 I know exactly what you mean. *Yawn*