Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 30th, 2009

Right. More Beechams. Then more sofa. My energy disappeared a few hours ago; I just hadn’t noticed.

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@waugaman “Geordie? Will you run a level three diagnostic on me? I have an illogical desire to call you ‘my chocolate star-bear’…”

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@paulahillier heya gorgeous! My favourite pressie was a non-Christmas pressie, my new gorilla slippers :). You?

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Odd. Bob Kelso is guest starring in Star Trek:TNG. Keep expecting Dr. Cox to materialise and fire photon torpedoes at him.

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“three nine nine five” was a phone number, not a price.

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@MitchBenn And the day before mine! And Wendy James’s. Damn. I think you win on the “sharing a birthday” front.

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@zinziii Nice bum! Oh, and [obligatory arty comment] very well-lit it is, too.

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Have tidied up a bit. And worn myself out. Going for second cup of coffee. Cover me.

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Desire: play guitar. Duty: clean flat. *sigh*

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@shezza_t Have now had coffee. Which is a relief, as that could have been an endless loop…

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@caffeinebomb Last time that happened to someone I know, bank _said_ card would be sent home, but sent it to their branch. Worth checking!

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So far today, I’ve got up and made a coffee that went all over the kitchen counter because I forgot to put the jug under the machine. Yay.

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