Oooh! I just passed 200,000 views on Flickr. Cool.
Have overcatered for my dinner. If you don’t hear from me for a few days, I’m in a post-carb coma.
@chris_j_hughes I could get paid the same doing lots of other things, though. But swapping = fear.
Remind me, why do I work with computers again?
@blinky I thought it was Command-Shift-[ ?
@Narshada Yay! So only sixteen years until it’s part-supported by IE38 and we can start using it!
@ianmcshane I use a Firefox extension called IE View Lite. For specified sites, it’ll reload them in IE automatically.
@ianmcshane Oh, god, yes. Half our crap uses VBScript, let alone anything else.
@ianmcshane well, it’s webkit-based, so it shouldn’t be too incompatible. Can’t remember last time something didn’t work with Safari.
@bertpalmer right. Definitely going there, then!
Dear Mr Doherty,
Please stop annoying the Germans and getting arrested for long enough to get back to Bath for the gig on Sunday.
Love, me.
“This page has an unspecified potential security flaw. Would you like to continue?” How about you specify it, Windows, and then I tell you?
Gah. One minute I was processing photos, next thing I know I’m trying to figure out the chords to a song. Damn you, iTunes shuffle.