@librarythingtim …but yes, expressing the difference in 140 chars is <em>hard</em>!
@Jorence Do you normally have custard with uber-healthy breakfast bites?
http://bestc.am/hIK I love Elizabeth. Such big windows. And she smells of proper wood.
New printer at work has gone all squeaky. Sounds like two shopping trolleys having sex.
@benjohnbarnes nope. Talking about his beta more vectory offering. Which will apparently export SVG. Joy!
@benjohnbarnes I have no idea who @gothic is, but he gets a lot of random stuff from my followers :)
Dock icon syncing is one of the MobileMe things that (a) make me happy, and (b) always works.
@Glinner This is what you need for the DVD problem. Unfortunately it exists only in my head. http://bit.ly/649qRa
@colourlovers Just tried to join up for that offer, but your server said it was out of disk space when creating my account!
@nickdonnelly No, of course not. I call those things “lawyer nuts”.
@librarythingtim they’re different things. Sometimes things are put in italics by convention, rather than for emphasis, for example.
@librarythingtim whereas <strong> and <em> say “this is what I mean, now render that approprately for your medium.”
@talkie_tim Am lazy. Took that from my front steps. Now going to bed *yawn*.
@librarythingtim Aha. It’s Beethoven’s <i>Choral<i>, not Beethoven’s <em>Choral</em>. The difference is left as an exercise for the reader.
@nickdonnelly nah, I’m a believer in Darwinian parenting :)
@colourlovers Cool. Was an error creating a directory on some long pathname. Sorry, managed to lose the error text.
Dear cyclists: if you use ultra-bright flashing headlights, could you at least not aim them at my eye level when biking on the pavement? Ta.
Aww! Best Bristol Christmas decoration so far. Not saying much, I know, but… http://twitpic.com/rumpa
@DrHairbear ooh, cool! Will have proper look when I get to a big screen…
@KaveyF Whereas I had no big plans, I just forgot to buy one. Well, had to go to doctor on way home, so no shop opportunity.
Lovely full moon tonight! See? http://flic.kr/p/7k61SW
@hayles Amen.
@hayles Some of us have to have a barber run a strimmer over them once a fortnight.
Digging deep in the VectorStock archives for nice images.