Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 2nd, 2009

@librarythingtim …but yes, expressing the difference in 140 chars is <em>hard</em>!

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@Jorence Do you normally have custard with uber-healthy breakfast bites?

via Twitter Web Client I love Elizabeth. Such big windows. And she smells of proper wood.

via Best Camera on the iPhone

New printer at work has gone all squeaky. Sounds like two shopping trolleys having sex.

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@benjohnbarnes nope. Talking about his beta more vectory offering. Which will apparently export SVG. Joy!

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@benjohnbarnes I have no idea who @gothic is, but he gets a lot of random stuff from my followers :)

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Dock icon syncing is one of the MobileMe things that (a) make me happy, and (b) always works.

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@Glinner This is what you need for the DVD problem. Unfortunately it exists only in my head.

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@colourlovers Just tried to join up for that offer, but your server said it was out of disk space when creating my account!

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@nickdonnelly No, of course not. I call those things “lawyer nuts”.

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@librarythingtim they’re different things. Sometimes things are put in italics by convention, rather than for emphasis, for example.

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@librarythingtim whereas <strong> and <em> say “this is what I mean, now render that approprately for your medium.”

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@talkie_tim Am lazy. Took that from my front steps. Now going to bed *yawn*.

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@librarythingtim Aha. It’s Beethoven’s <i>Choral<i>, not Beethoven’s <em>Choral</em>. The difference is left as an exercise for the reader.

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@nickdonnelly nah, I’m a believer in Darwinian parenting :)

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@colourlovers Cool. Was an error creating a directory on some long pathname. Sorry, managed to lose the error text.

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Dear cyclists: if you use ultra-bright flashing headlights, could you at least not aim them at my eye level when biking on the pavement? Ta.

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Aww! Best Bristol Christmas decoration so far. Not saying much, I know, but…

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@DrHairbear ooh, cool! Will have proper look when I get to a big screen…

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@KaveyF Whereas I had no big plans, I just forgot to buy one. Well, had to go to doctor on way home, so no shop opportunity.

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@hayles Some of us have to have a barber run a strimmer over them once a fortnight.

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Digging deep in the VectorStock archives for nice images.

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