@AlasdairStuart Will give it the benefit of the doubt, then. Am rubbish with film; never know who’s directed/acted in what, so can’t judge.
@lizzclare Wish I was shrinking away, damn it. Seem to have plateaued again. Related: “plateaued” is hard to spell before 8am.
@marcwan Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Looks like you might have accidentally RSA-encrypted your Twitter stream.
Pretty sky in Bristol today, but I can’t really get a good photo of it. Ah well.
@brunelsbridge Happy birthday! Here’s a photo of you I took earlier this year :) http://bit.ly/6rmCAw
@chris_j_hughes mine was made by the man on the right, here: http://bit.ly/6RZPzs :)
@lizzclare I did try something similar for a while, but didn’t have enough free time to create enough variation.
@lizzclare plus it’s astounding how little carb-free choice there can be sometimes, isn’t it? Will try again when have more planning time!
Hungover party monkey: http://twitpic.com/snnad
@sowerbyandluff Ooooh, that reminds me, I owe you an email, don’t I?
Unsure about new Sherlock Holmes film. Can’t help but think he probably doesn’t need CGI explosions.
Can I pay @lovefilm more money and get the adverts taken off the site when I’m logged in? Really don’t want a Philips Sensual Massager.
…especially when advertised with a lot of bare flesh and Flash-based animated snowflakes. Softcore cheesetastic!
My problems with computers stem from my unrealistic expectations, rather than the computers themselves. But knowing that doesn’t help.
@goatgirl74 Erm… no.
@asic69 Well, I already do that. But it’s more the knuckles-and-elbows style massage than the sensual style. Ow.
Hmm. Need to get my Secret Santa hat on.
Ah, Quality Street. The smell of Christmas, and nostalgia for an earlier time, when moral qualms about NestlĂ© stuff weren’t an issue.
@bananza bright red. It’s the Christmas look.
@hannahnicklin Surely they’re _wassailing_ you?
Cool. Just saw a fox wandering around Clifton Village.
Unfortunately, unlike @RadioKate, I didn’t get a picture of my fox. Only managed to snap an orange blur against some tarmac.
@parryphernalia My fox was running around outside Boston Tea Party! Odd. http://flic.kr/p/7moUjF
@bertpalmer Let me know what it’s like! I love their sign. Glittery-pretty.
Downloaded Google Chrome for Mac. Now unsure what to do. I mean, I have _two_ of these browser things already.
This mix of Blondie’s _Rapture_ and _Riders on the Storm_ really is a godawful trainwreck. #really