Right. Having prepared warm clothes and gorilla slippers for my return, I’m off for my first jog in ages.
Wastelets (n): The leaflets that you shake from between the pages of your newly-arrived glossy magazine directly into the recycling box.
Oh, it _is_ Josie Lawrence! But given the ominous build-up, I’m guessing she’s about to be murdered, so won’t have much of a part…
@fluffybex Sorry; it’s a recording from yesterday. But TV seems remarkably Poirot-heavy this week; sure it’ll be on again soon…
Started watching _Poirot_ to take my mind off my cold. Yup, it’s the story where Poirot has a stinking cold.
@fluffybex It’s just possible that you’re right about that.
@KaveyF Have just slept for 11 hours. Probably should do something with the few hours of daylight left…
Hmm. And already I find a problem with “Lord Byron: The Major Works”. It’s too big to read in the bath.
Ugh. I was going to try to get out for a run today, wasn’t I? It was bound to be raining…
@fluffybex One of each!
Ugh. Just woke up. Now want to go back to bed.