@sgucukoglu Amen.
@sgucukoglu This is true. And I’m elderly enough to have written sendmail.cf files by hand.
@sgucukoglu I had heard rumours to that effect.
@sgucukoglu Ah, I’ve not had much experience of the GUI.
@sgucukoglu It’s a note advising not to receive mail as root, and a template line for sending it all to a non-root account.
@ahnlak @tsunimee Just not worth doing it that way for the quantity you get. This’ll do 250g at a time. Also, it was free from a friend ;)

@tsunimee @ahnlak Did I mention the newest addition to my household, by the way? pic.twitter.com/QYhbQhLVp2

@sgucukoglu @AthanSpod To be fair, though, they also come with this hint in /etc/postfix/aliases: pic.twitter.com/E39qznxdt1
Singing bowl vine.co/v/hMTpxgAzz66
BristolBites Fire closes The Olive Shed until further notice nblo.gs/O7gIH
RT @patrickrhone: Habit Forming bit.ly/14yYOT6 <— on getting out of, and back into, the habit of running.
benhammersley Back off, son. I’ve got spacer gifs older than you.
@shezza_t \VJDX34\proj\2013\people\matt\hatreds\xref\projectcode\stage\pointless\depth\never\find\anything\34773489437_i_hate_that_34J2.doc
@givesyouHel @StiffPigeon I’m not sure whether that makes us Instant Internet Friends or Deadly Internet Enemies.
@logopetria @hayles Oh yes. Plenty of practice at that.
richardosman We should call the period between waking up and actually getting up ‘buffering’.
@givesyouHel No need to get on your Higher horse.

@archidave That sucks. But thanks for a little burst of nostalgia. Can’t believe I once had time to model my lounge. pic.twitter.com/KjMpVJc0FC
@bexxi [1] She thought “chairwoman” and “chairperson” cumbersome, and firmly believed that “chair” was exclusively something one sat in.
@bexxi Fund raiser for Action Research into Multiple Sclerosis. My mum was chairman[1].
@hayles Although, oddly, I have worked with actual special paper since.
@hayles *snigger*
@hayles …rather than the normal local one. The local one didn’t offer the S-level paper.
@hayles Yup. S-level. Part of the requirements for my Cambridge offer. Also the reason I sat the Cambridge board version of the exam…

While digging through Boxes of Stuff for that certificate, found random photo of my late mother with Maureen Lipman. pic.twitter.com/fkp1qT53lS
BBCSurrey TRAVEL: Police still rounding up 25 loose ducks on the A3 northbound at Milford. Delays.
@anna_debenham Depends how you commute once in London. Isn’t black snot mostly associated with Tube travel?

And it’s all been downhill since then. pic.twitter.com/HUuKZ0LCbq