Evil Willow!
@Dru_Marland @guriben I had to google porron. Can you tell I’ve not traveled much…
@guriben Yeah, I’ve had one before. Oddly, two places I’ve been in sell salt sachets made for them but not the pots…
Hrm. Wonder if I can buy a neti pot somewhere in Bristol…
adamhillscomedy It would be truly ironic if Benny Hill turned out to be the only 70s entertainer that wasn’t a sex offender.
@guriben Well, as a hack it sounds intriguing, but I should probably just practise more.
Ow. One day I’ll learn to play guitar regularly, rather than neglecting it for months and then cheesewiring my fingertips for 3 days solid.
@ahnlak @tsunimee Again, just laziness combined with my service being good enough and not wanting to sign up to new stuff before I move.

So, signing up to the TPS though BT’s website *triggers BT spam and you have to call them to stop it*!? pic.twitter.com/mBXwfHk705
@ahnlak @tsunimee Yeah, looks like it does. Not that I’d ever have asked for that. It’s probably just some remnant of whatever was cheap…
@ahnlak @tsunimee Yeah, that’s the other thing, I’m not on any kind of contract. Could drop them both next month with no penalty.
@ahnlak Yeah, you see, if your ADSL had never topped 4Mbps, you might be more tempted by fibre.
@tsunimee @ahnlak Apparently I’m paying £18/m BT line rental, £25/m for internet. I really need to review that…
@ahnlak Yeah, but what speed ADSL are you getting?
@tsunimee Err. Hang on.
@ahnlak My current grrr: Just as I’m thinking of moving house, they’ve finally rolled fibre out here.
@tsunimee I rent the phone line from BT but get internet through Demon.