Nearly at the end of re-reading Richard Morgan’s _Altered Carbon_ trilogy. *So* good.
@faerietalefoody Feel free to submit any you see. And comments on whether the typography tells you what the coffee is like! #pettheory
Damn it. Could he not nip back in time and save Rita for new companion duties? #drwho #becauseshewassmartobv #iamunbiasedbyhergorgeousness
@faerietalefoody Would you mind if I added that one to ?
@archidave Little Miss Sixty :)
@matt_fwyalchen No, I’m not entirely sinister :)
@faerietalefoody But yes, I think this is a fine example of where you can judge a book by its cover, by the looks of it.
@faerietalefoody Weird; I can see the thumbnail, but I can’t get to the full-size image on Twitpic.
@tweeny4 I spend a lot of time in the Clifton Village one, if that’s where you are! Haven’t been in today, though.
@johnfbraun It’s the main reason I finally upgraded from the 400D (Rebel XTi, I think they were old as over there.)
I have a new toy. And it seems to perform bloody well in low light. #60D #ISO3200
A watched battery never charges.
This is the first real clue in the manual that you’re now moving up from the “consumer” camera…SZ
I may have had too much wine last night. Body is soaking up Purdey’s like a sponge.
@KaveyF What are you ranting about, dear?
BenPark Not really, but interesting nonetheless. RT @denny: Now it’s illegal to write down prices in a #Tesco supermarket
Walking through leafy Clifton.
@Phooto Yeah, odd that it went up after the half marathon. I’ve not been that bad this week!
My weight: 17:12.2 stlb. 0:12.2 stlb to go. Weighin’ in.