@mhoulden Oh yeah! I guess I didn’t try because that stuff normally only works on _CSI_ and _Spooks_ :)
@mhoulden Well found that man.
RT @mhoulden: @gothick It’s the DVD production company for the old Dr Who series: 2entertainvideo.co.uk/2evideo/releas… <— Ah! That explains it.
What is this building in London, and — for this is why I’m curious — why does it have a Dalek in the lobby? g.co/maps/yf6q4
@archidave *dance-steps off stage, waving hat*
@bpm140 Click on the arrows to expand; “Cached” is under the headline on the expanded view.
@thomasvenables I’m watching _The Prisoner_. I’m not sure it would benefit much from adding more technology.
@Pockless @Swishrelic Look at me closer when you say that, baby.
@Swishrelic @irkafirka To be firked once is fortunate. To be firked twice would probably diagnose me as a serious Twitter attention-whore.
.@archidave You say that almost like you expect me to have a swannee whistle to hand. lockerz.com/s/142253918
I just accidentally closed a window by dropping a kazoo on my trackpad. I am the Harold Lloyd of computing.
@hayles I will not be getting a Blu-Ray player then.
@hayles Ah, yes. That. Luckily I’m watching _The Prisoner_, which has a couple of seconds copyright notice and nothing else.
@archidave Have you identified the big metal cupboards in your kitchen yet? Remember to write down which does “cold” and which does “hot”.
God, I love watching DVDs. It’s so nice not having the end credits cut in half and spoken over.
Ah. An old Type 17 TARDIS. No, this is pre-invention of the Chameleon circuit. They were just a bit crap. instagr.am/p/OSX9h/
My mistake. Finding the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch in a drain would have been silly. It was actually a fire hydrant. thisislondon.co.uk/standard/artic…
Cambridge bomb scare: cambridge-news.co.uk/Home/Universit… Last time there was a bomb in a drain, didn’t it turn out to be the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch?
@KaveyF @BristolBites Ah, okay, one of these things, then. I think I’ve only bought them as “porcini” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boletus_e…
@KaveyF I dunno. What’s cep in English?
@chantalcoady @ahnlak It does seem to be quite a longwinded way of turning trees into yellow compost.
@AndyMcCarthyUK No parts yet. Waiting a display and an opto-isolator (sure Maplin used to be faster than this. Should’ve gone to the shop!)
RT @zeldman: At zeldman.com: Download in the Dumps is.gd/qqnI24 <— Yup, sounds like my usual kind of Adobe “experience”.
@AndyMcCarthyUK Yup. All of these calls are from overseas (& most pretending to be the type of call that isn’t covered by the TPS.)
shiflett I’ve never moderated my salt consumption, so it’s interesting to read that maybe it’s not so bad after all. j.mp/saltnotsobad
Wish caller ID worked properly when my dad called from Greece. Then I could just ban unknown numbers.
I hadn’t realised just how many scammy phone calls my home phone got until I stayed in for a few working days.
Hoping they don’t have to use this too often. @ Royal Mail Delivery Office (Clifton) instagr.am/p/OQTdA/
meemalee @gothick One day it will just be a sheet of paper saying “http://www.lmgtfy.com”
‘What’s a “Yellow Pages”, grandad?’ Can’t believe they’re still delivering these things.
@talkie_tim Just seems a bit mad spending money painting all this stuff on the roads if you can’t find out what it means…
@JamesCridland Ta. That’s fine; I’m on 15.
@emmafurious Whoo! Take some deep breaths and enjoy the enjoyable bits of all this :D
@JamesCridland Is the Full Screen proper Lion Full Screen now? *updates*
@says_arline Curtain geek. (They’re IKEA’s c̶h̶e̶a̶p̶e̶s̶t̶ finest, by the way.)
@talkie_tim Okay. Don’t think I’ve seen a chevron. Is there anywhere that actually tells you what they mean? *searches*
@talkie_tim Just tried the council cycle route planner from Hotwells to Victoria Street. Routes through Clifton Village & Tyndall’s Park Rd!
@talkie_tim (Because I don’t think I’ve seen any of those. Just green bars like a thick hyphen. I think.)
@talkie_tim Incidentally, am I getting confused? Are the chevrons you’re talking about actually >> chevrons?
@Gary_Bainbridge Oh, I dunno. “Have you tried…” *little dance* “…turning it off and on again? Olé!”
@missmcq Well done. :D
@talkie_tim There aren’t actually many ways that could have gone worse, then? Oh well. Still, I’ll be getting back on my bike soon anyway.
@talkie_tim Oh, is that what those coloured bars are under the pictures of cycles on Cotham Hill?
@mhoulden Argh! Oracle books! *makes cross with fingers to ward off evil*