@djshandy Must be. I follow someone who’s at 95,000+, and I can’t imagine that’s the end of the bell curve.
@rhodri @scissorkicks Just wait till their deliveraptor bursts it through your door. After it’s been vannified, obviously.
@robohannah @hannahnicklin I wish there were a good way of favouriting an entire exchange on Twitter.
@talkie_tim I have it counting down (in a slightly sinister fashion) and triggering the EOS shutter :)
@talkie_tim HD44780.
@Jorence Playing with an Arduino. In the first instance, making a time-lapse intervalometer to control the Canon :)
Oooh, it speaks. #geek #progress instagr.am/p/OYk5B/
@benjohnbarnes Yes, but not every X seconds :D
Progress is being made. #geek #video youtube.com/watch?v=Hk5oNC…
@r0bb1eh Errr. Okay.
@r0bb1eh Who’s hoarding? I’m using this stuff…
@r0bb1eh What, you got some odd aversion to electronics?
@r0bb1eh That? That’s a relatively small chunk of this lot: lockerz.com/s/142029237 :D
Right. Thinks are about to get geeky round here. lockerz.com/s/142428916
@nickbrompton D’OH.
I just found a book called “30 Days to a Simpler Life” buried at the bottom of a stack of filing I’ve not looked at for a year. Hrm.
@umairh What, the one accompanying this BBC article? bbc.co.uk/news/business-…
robjmills I reckon its now quicker to walk to the cashpoint to check my balance than it is to access my HSBC internet banking
Saying hi to Me Me for @MissEmmeline instagr.am/p/OWT0b/
@codepo8 Has it? I can almost not bear to look…
Just got some post from Google addressed to “Head of Marketing, Basement Flat…”. Now less worried about their omniscience.
James1am Found out yesterday the Blue Peter dog (Barney) has his own security pass for BBC buildings. He’s listed in the system as a freelancer.