@Foxy_RoxyX Thanks!
@PTdavelewis At the rate I’m improving, I’ll be sub-2 hours by the time I’m seventy :D
Official time: 2:48:15. Making this my fastest half marathon so far, by a minute and a bit, anyway :)
@whatterz It seems a fair price for the kit you get. Now I need to find the money, too :)
@MissEmmeline That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
@MissEmmeline Apparently my run burned 2,500 calories. This means I get to eat two of every meal today :)
@whatterz Check Camera Price Buster for current lowest price and offers.
@matt_fwyalchen Hmm. Merrells, by any chance?
@whatterz I’d say so. Better performance in general, more customisable modes, video, all your lenses will still work.
@Lillput Maybe we’ll cancel each other out.
@mhoulden Next year I want to go with a few other people dressed as trees, just to see if we can generate “Run, Forest, Run!” cheers.
@TheChapblog Not feeling too bad now. Not entirely looking forward to getting out of bed tomorrow morning, though!
@TheChapblog Yes. Especially now I’ve had a milkshake and a Very Long Bath :D
Oh, NOW I find my missing, good sunglasses. I’m guessing that today will be the last day of sunshine for the UK. Sorry everyone.
@hayles I think you mean “wiser”.
@hayles Well, that’s something you can put off until tomorrow. Until then you are still A DECADE YOUNGER than some people I could mention.
@hayles That doesn’t sound like you. Erm. Here, have a picture of a baby chameleon: flickr.com/photos/ckminih…
Enjoying @bristol_running’s first set of Half pics. Especially the person crossing the finish with a walking handstand! bristolrunningresource.org.uk/bristol-half-2…
@soba_girl Have you checked the ceiling?
@TheChapblog I was my usual slow ploddy self. Somewhere between 2:45 and 2:50, I think.
Righty. See you all in an hour or so. #bathbomb #music #rubberduck #candles #book
@BenPark At some point, it’d be nice to be fit, slim and fast enough to be in the top *5,000*…
@Jorence ;)
@hayles More #salty than #stinky, as far as I can tell. Certainly people were happy to hug me twice, anyway…
Right. BATH TIME! #hurrah
@DrHairbear Just pleased to have finished for now! Think I did okay for me :D
At ‘Tillos, where @MissEmmeline and other friends are kindly buying me a milkshake. :)
@DrHairbear thanks! And for the cheering!
Job. Done. #bristolhalfmarathon lockerz.com/s/137810905
Go Bob! instagr.am/p/Mxr0S/
@BenPark Ta! The fast runners just started. I’m in second wave at 10am.
Just seen my first race leader of the day. #bristolhalf #wheelchair instagr.am/p/Mxk2B/
@ahnlak @t_pk @HilaryCarden @DrHairbear @KaveyF @redlegoman @helencave @tangleofwires Thanks all :) Off to the start line now…
@kshack22 Thanks!
@SpikyZebra Ta! :)
@twittl3s Thanks!
Okay. Think I’m about ready, then. #bristolhalf lockerz.com/s/137761636
@Jorence @stillawake @r0bb1eh @emmafurious Hey, you know how much energy they have at that age. Let’s have M push all of us :D
@soba_girl I’m confident in my belief that nobody has ever said that sentence before in the whole of human history.
@stillawake @r0bb1eh @Jorence @emmafurious Aww. Poor M. Hope she gets well soon. Don’t be too jealous. Might be jealous of you come mile 10!
@StJamesPT @mskittypurry @supersarahstars @Jorence Hurrah!