@MartinSketchley I don’t get to big supermarkets much. Never found anything better than @extractcoffee or @hasbean for my taste…
That animation’s long enough for me to forget why I wanted the Home screen in the first place.
@domwakeling The advice varies, but “leave overnight” seems pretty typical advice.
@domwakeling Last week’s first batch was under-roasted. Second better. This is my first try with a blend I regularly drink *crosses fingers*

Left: @hasbean’s Jailbreak blend, roasted by them. Right: roasted by me. Think I’m doing okay. pic.twitter.com/l8uRjiZ72T
@shezza_t Ta :)
Through the round window. instagram.com/p/e2u8OapC55/
My Sunday afternoon: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@Kavey I’ve wondered that. But I’ve always had breakfast by the time I pass, so I’ve not looked at the food on offer…
@Kavey The coffee’s good, too.
Goodness. Up to 99 posts on my Cafe Typography tumblr thang. cafetypography.tumblr.com

Still, despite the blasting music from the neighbours, the coffee was great :) @SourdoughCafe pic.twitter.com/3XKwD6760x
@Kavey :)
But I’m probably just grumpy because I went for a quiet coffee in St Nicks and had Zumba music blasted at me over a PA for the duration.
Have to say, this traffic-free day thing isn’t doing a lot for Hotwells. instagram.com/p/e2TQOZpCyj/
Espresso shot. instagram.com/p/e2L2yAJC11/
@claireellent Probably a UKIP member faxing in a protest about women on television.
BBCNormanS Unfortunately security at #cpc13 won’t allow us to film #nhs299 demo outside conference centre #magnacarta #gloriousrevolution
Size isn’t everything. instagram.com/p/e2H3ZGJC_y/
Come out for a walk in the sunshine around the harbour. What ‘s with all the traffic on the Hotwell Road? It’s worse than rush hour!
@echofon Text of retweets is chopped off on Echofon for Mac if system preference set to always show scrollbars. Any chance of a fix? Thanks.
Got up, cooked bacon and eggs, cleaned the flat, listened to @FishDerekDick’s new album. Not a bad start for a Sunday.
@charlie_cat_esq I do love a bacon bagel. Possibly extra-nice because bacon and bagels really shouldn’t go together…
TlfTravelAlerts That Which Should Not Be has risen from his aeon of slumber and is currently causing delays to the Line Which Sometimes Works But Not Often.
sowerbyandluff Fat Chance 91 out now. How to suck out your brain through your ear + a man with a nose on his forehead. p.odca.st/6197466
Right. On with the cleaning. Think I’ll listen to the last bit of The Archers while I do the bathroom, make it a proper middle-class job.
@hayles @_dibdib @guriben Admittedly, that’s mostly just me and the strange shouty guy with the shopping trolley, but still.

@davidcaolo @amahnke Enjoying the pen-holding discussion :) This is why I prefer CIAK to Moleskine - horizontal band. pic.twitter.com/3QFtFXcZEX
@_dibdib Yeah. Makes it very unforgiving of “Oh, shit, I’m in the wrong lane” mistakes.
@_dibdib Indeed. Worked in Swindon for three years and still have mates there, so I’ve been around/across it a lot!
@_dibdib I’ve done about half of those, though I’ll admit I had to go around Hangar Lane twice last time to get the right exit :)