Going by picture 4, I’d say the current residents are a teensy bit partial to tigers. rightmove.co.uk/property-for-s…

amateuradam Apple Maps no better on iOS7 pic.twitter.com/EOFdZVOTfx

@davidwalshblog Or possibly the best demo I won’t see all day. What browser does it work in? Ta! pic.twitter.com/rFiQtAZFh8
(Those of you on desktops can probably view the full Photo Sphere of that Hotwell Road shot by clicking the pic: plus.google.com/11182289917137…)
Google+. Because I’d much rather be known as 111822899171376012884 than “gothick”.
@ef060372 That was Photo Sphere; comes with the Nexus 4.

A tiny planet of the Hotwell Road. #bristol pic.twitter.com/yWsjTCgfpH
@Nose_in_a_book Watch _Hudson Hawk_. Bruce Willis will remind you.
Someone appears to have parked a cafe on my route to work… #berudenottotryacoffee instagram.com/p/eZN_g1pC63/

@MartinJoiner *Belatedly waves back via Twitter* pic.twitter.com/nWRXooZ7AT
@framingfairy Hi! No, I didn’t do it, sadly just didn’t have the time or energy for training this year :(